Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD)  Set of 2

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) Set of 2

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Short Description: Cystitis and Interstitial Cystitis, inflammation, tinge red-to brown urine.
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Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) Set of 2


Cystitis/ Feline Urological Syndrome (FUS)

Feline Urological Syndrome/FLUTD, FUS, (cystitis) is an irritation of the bladder and/or urethra. In some cases cats can also develop stones or crystals in these areas.

FLUTD is thought to affect around 1-3% of cats each year, so is among the more common conditions seen.

Because of the diverse nature of the underlying causes, cats of any age, breed and gender can be affected by FLUTD, but in general, it is more common in:

  • Middle-aged cats
  • Neutered male cats - when genitals not fully developed before being fixed.
  • Over-weight cats
  • Cats which take little exercise
  • Cats with little or no access outside
  • Cats that eat a dry food diet  * kibble, dry biscuits

* Urinary Tract Infection that causes inflammations is often caused by E.Coli

Escherichia coli
is the most common organism in all patient groups, but also Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Proteus mirabilis, and other organisms are more common in patients with certain risk factors for complicated urinary tract infections. Crystal formations can be a result of a poor diet (dry food) or allergy type irritates food (natural or commercial).

Urinary tract infection occurs as a complication of an ascending (UTI) which spreads from the bladder to the kidneys.

* Kidney Infection(Pyelonephritis)  and  Bladder Infection (UTI).
Infections are quite common - so if needed for more difficult cases or situations. A non-toxic herbal antibiotic compared to giving your pet the chemical antibiotics. Often cause more damage to organs.

Often there is also kidney infection, and it doesn't hurt to add both herbs as one dose to clear INFECTION from bladder and kidneys.

Changing the diet to a more natural cat diet may assist cats with FUS.  e.g avoiding any type dry food altogether.Kibble is often considered to be one of the leading causes behind this health condition, along with a cat food low in magnesium mineral. The Cysto Clear 14 formula will act to support the health of the Urinary tract system, reduce the formation of crystals, address infection & balance the pH of the urine. The Kidneys & Liver are also supported.  The formula 2 Bladder Infection 319 support the body.


Natural Pet Botanicals Recommendations formulas are both effective and gentle in supporting the whole body, you support your own animal or pet at home, and in almost every single case we improve vitality and longevity. If you are dealing with any metabolic or immune issue with your pet, we suggest that you contact us for a consultation so we can ensure you are using the right products.

* Natural pet botanicals are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our formulas are offered as an alternative health support for your animal's condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in food, treats or liquid.


1. Cysto Clear 14 formula 30ml
2. Bladder Infect 319 50ml


Formula 1 
Bearberry (Uva Ursi 50M)  (traditionally used for cystitis with bloody urine, Urethral burning)
Yellow Jasmine (Gelsemium 12C) (traditionally used for partial paralysis of bladder. Retention)
Shepherd’s Purse (Thlaspi Bursa 30C)  (traditionally used Haematuria.-Urine burning, passing frequently, of strong odour.-Copious discharge of urinary sand, increased flow of urine, relief of dropsy.-Renal calculus)
Terebinthina Ol 12X (traditionally used for Albuminuria, Cystitis, Stricture of urethra, Urine scanty and bloody.-Burning sensation, incisive pains, and spasmodic tenesmus of bladder)
Common Barberry (Berberis Vulg 200C) (traditionally usedfor frequently recurring, crampy, contractive pain, or aching pain, in the bladder, when the bladder is full or empty)
Tabacum 1M (traditionally use in Renal colic; violent pains along ureters, Paralysis of sphincter, constant dribbling.Inflammation of the orifice of the urethra)
Cantharis 1M (traditionally used for Painful or Burning Urination)

Pure Flint (Silicea 200C) (traditionally used for urethra-stricture, urine incontinence)
Goldenseal (Hydrastis 10M) (traditionally used for Urinary Organs.- Dull aching in region of kidneys.Catarrh of bladder, with thick, ropy mucous sediment in urine. Dysuria; suppression; incontinence.
Stavesacre (Staphysagria 1M)  (traditionally used for when excessively painful emission of urine.-Frequent (profuse) emission of clear watery urine (with much urging). Frequent emission of red urine.-Constant micturition at night)
Potassium Chlorate (Kali Chl 12X) (traditionally used for chronic nephritis)
Cuttlefish Ink (Sepia 30X, 200X) (traditionally used for chronic cystitis, weak bladder ,prolapsed bladder, uterus or vagina, cystitis, obstinate constipation, rectum disorder, urine incontinence, infantile diarrhea)
Goldenrod (Solidago 200C)   (traditionally used for chronic nephritis - kidneys)
Wild Liquorice (Sarsaparilla 200C) (traditionally used for urinary tract infection, for urinary tract infections with pain at the end of urination, cystitis with frequent urging and burning pain)
Fresh Root Bark Betula Shrub (Rhus Arom 10M)  (traditionally used for cystitis, bladder or kidney haemorrhages, senile incontinence)
Fragrant Sumac (Rhus Aromatica 200C) (traditonally used for bladder-related issues, urinary incontience, or senile incontience, burning sencation, diabetes - related (excessice urination) severe pain before or at the start of urination, albumin in the urine in kidney and diabetic patients , bladder weakness, bladder inflammation, blood in urine called Hematuria)

Bearberry  (Uva Ursi 6X)
in 20% USP alc. in purified water.
Reference: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30637820/
Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7761148/


For " Bladder Inflammation" these are some of the traditionally used plants are -

  1. Cantharis which is very effective in treating infections. In case of bladder inflammation and pain while urinating, this remedy is preferred.  For cystitis with an inflamed bladder as the root cause, this remedy is very effective.
  2. Apis Mellifica for cases of chronic bladder infection. It cures the inflammation and also gets rid of the swelling. This also helps in relieving  any burning symptom that you may experience while passing urine.
  3. Staphysgaria is a remedy which is used to treat symptoms of cystitis that include a sharp pain in the urethra accompanied by involuntary discharge of urine.


Formula 2
Purple Cone-flower  (Echinacea)  (traditionally a natural anti-biotic, as well as antiviral, anti-fungal and disinfectant. Has the ability to boost the strength of t-lymphocytes. T-cells are vital to the immune system as they help the body to increase the number of anti-bodies that you have circulating)

Dandelion leaf (Taraxacum officinale) (traditionally different to the root which has a focus on balancing digestive and liver health, this herb is potent diuretic used to flush the bladder and relieve symptoms)

Alfalfa ( Medica gostiva) Uses of Alfalfa Beyond its dietary benefits, alfalfa is often used in alternative therapies to treat medical conditions and metabolic disorders. Some people claim it can help with diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis, urinary tract infections.   Reference:   https://www.verywellhealth.com/urinary-tract-infections-symptoms-2328460    

Yarrow flower Native Americans used yarrow for wounds, infections and bleeding. Chinese medicine gives it praise for the ability to affect the kidney, spleen, liver and energy channels throughout the body. Animal studies have also shown support for the use of yarrow in cleansing wounds and controlling the bleeding of wounds ( ulcerating tumours). Fights bacteria. Yarrow has an antiseptic action. The bitter parts and fatty acids encourage bile flow out of the gallbladder, known as the cholagogue effect. The free-flowing action improves digestion and prevents and gallstones from forming. Decongestant. Yarrow contains a drying effect and seems to improve coughs and sinus infections with sputum formation. Astringent. Very helpful with allergies where nasal secretions and watery eyes are caused by molds, dust, pollen and dander. Yarrow is also known to cause sweating in cases of flu, fevers and colds, helping to cure simple infections. Infusion. Yarrow is used to aid in healing skin conditions, such as eczema. The essential oils are used and rubbed onto the affected area. Anti-inflammatory. The oil found in the yarrow has been used to treat arthritis. Expectorant. Helps to cure colds. Promotes digestion. Helps in the secretion of enzymes and digestive juice and increases appetite; both help in digestion.

Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) Prior to the invention of antibiotics, indigenous people used various plants and herbal remedies to deal with issues including infections. One example is the plant called uva ursi, or bearberry, which has been used as a natural remedy for UTIs (urinary tract infections) for hundreds of years. Leaf extracts made from uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) have been approved for use for urinary tract inflammation by the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and are even available as prescriptions in Germany for this application. Whether taken as a capsule, tincture or tea, this herb seems capable of fighting inflammation, infections, swelling and more.   
Reference: https://draxe.com/nutrition/uva-ursi-bearberry/

Chamomile  Chamomile  is another excellent herb for urinary infections. Chamomile is famous for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties, easing the pain and discomfort tied to UTIs.

Nettles (urtica dioica) Studies suggest that stinging nettle may improve urinary flow and relieve other BPH symptoms including incomplete emptying of the bladder, post urination dripping, and the constant urge to urinate (bladder irritability).
Reference: https://www.drweil.com/vitamins-supplements-herbs/herbs/stinging-nettle/

Ginseng - Panax ginseng, also known as Asian ginseng, is a popular medicinal herb. It has a history in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that dates back thousands of years. (2) Often used to promote healthy aging, Asian ginseng has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help support a healthy bladder and urinary tract.In a study on rats, scientists found that P. ginseng may help activate nerve growth factor in regions of the brain that regulate bladder function. (3) By doing so, P. ginseng might improve brain health in areas essential to keeping the bladder working as it should.

Reference:  https://bebetternow.com/blog/bladder-control/frequent-urination/the-6-best-herbs-for-bladder-health

Red Clover has metabolic diuretic (stimulates the removal of waste and water from the kidneys), lymphatic (stimulates lymph movement) and expectorant (supports elimination of mucus from the lungs) properties. Because of these characteristics, red clover has been described as a 'blood purifier'.

Violet Leaves (viola odorata)  has been used for centuries as a blood purifier. As a blood cleanser may have some effects in warding off infection; uncontaminated blood may promote a higher resistance to disease and infection.   
    and    https://drhealthbenefits.com/herbal/leaves/health-benefits-violet-leaves

Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) Cordyceps offers properties of immune enhancement and stress resistance. It protects mitochondria and is anti-fatigue. In laboratory studies, cordyceps was found to reduce heart muscle oxygen consumption and improve aerobic activity. In traditional herbal medicine, it is often used as a kidney tonic. Cordyceps specifically stimulates NK cells and macrophage activity and also enhances cellular immunity.  At the same time, it decreases inflammatory cytokine cascades and therefore decreases tissue damage.    Use also for Epstein Barr Virus infections.    Cordyceps mycelium (Cordyceps sinensis):  Considered a "medicinal mushroom" (or "ascocarp"), this potent ingredient originated in Tibet and is used as a tonic for energy, vigor, normal immune function as well as normal kidney and liver function. It is said to help support normal metabolic processes and all body systems. As well as having antioxidant properties, it also contains Amino acids, some B vitamins, Minerals, sterols and Enzymes,  A renoprotective, it protects from toxicity, inhibits, renal failure, and reverses glomerulonephritis.   Cordyceps offers properties of immune enhancement and stress resistance.

Cornsilk   These fine threads are a pain when you’re shucking corn, but they’re packed with vitamins and antioxidants. They’ve been used to treat urinary tract infections for centuries. More recently, they’ve become a treatment for OAB. But there’s no research showing how well they work.

Reference: https://cmjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13020-024-00884-3
Reference:  https://www.webmd.com/urinary-incontinence-oab/features/herbal-remedies-overactive-bladder

Crypolepsis    For systemic infection, Anit parasitic, Antiprotozoal, anti inflammatory, Anti Microbial, Anti bacterial, Renal Vasodilator.  (e.coli, herpes simplex, candida spp, Asperigillus spp,  Scabies, potent for resistant  staph and streptococcus, etc, urinary tract infection.  As a Renal Vasodilator -  this herb will help decreases systemic vascular resistance and increases renal blood flow to the cortex and medullary regions in the kidney
Reference: https://cmjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13020-024-00884-3

Andrographis   The plant’s compounds have displayed antibacterial activity against Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Research also concludes that andrographolide has antiviral properties and is able to restrain virus replication and virus-induced pathogenesis.  Research suggests that andrographolide, the main compound in the plant, can significantly reduce inflammation that’s caused by histamine, adrenaline and dimethyl benzene.   Reference:   https://draxe.com/nutrition/andrographis/

Juniper  is used for digestion problems including upset stomach, intestinal gas (flatulence), heartburn, bloating, and loss of appetite, as well as gastrointestinal (GI) infections and intestinal worms. It is also used for urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney and bladder stones. Other uses include treating snakebite, diabetes, and cancer. Anti bacterial, anti catarrhal, anti fungal, anti microbial, anti viral. Anti inflammatory. E.g.   SARS, Corona virus, E. Coli, herpes virus, some cancers, Plasmodium falciparum, Cryptococcus Neoforms, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas, Candida, Klebsiella oxy, Klebsiella Pneumoniae,  Asperigillus Nig, Staph and Streph bacteria (including resistant strains), Potent diuretic (for dropsy, for ascities). Infected mucous discharges from urethra, and for Cystitis, Pyelitis (Pyelitis is distinctly a condition of suppuration of the mucous lining of the pelvis of the kidney, a purulent inflammation of this membrane), Renal Hyperemia, (Hyperemia can be broken down into active hyperemia or passive hyperemia. However, most people refer to passive hyperemia as "congestion." So, for all practical purposes, hyperemia is an active process and congestion is passive. Pyelonephritis.  (Pyelonephritis ( bacterial infection causing acute or chronic kidney inflammation), Renal hyperemia, Skin Parasites.  Enhances kidney and liver function. Normally, if pyelonephritis takes place, it is due to an impairment of the cat's defenses: ureteral movement, blood supply to the kidneys, or the flap valves found between the kidney and ureters.  Pyelonephritis can also develop due to kidney stones or when microbes climb upward into the ureter, spreading a lower urinary tract infection to the upper urinary tract. Blockage of an infected kidney or ureter can lead to more serious complications: sepsis, a bacterial infection of the blood; or urosepsis, an infection of the blood resulting from decomposed urine being forced into the bloodstream.

Goldenseal - Goldenseal has been shown in the research to be both antibiotic and antiviral. Berberine may also activate white blood cells, making them better at fighting infection and strengthening the immune system.

Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) In modern herbal practice, Agrimony is still very useful, as Dr. Shierbaum of Europe says: “A cup of Agrimony tea drunk three times a day is a remedy for enlargement of the heart, stomach and lungs as well as kidney and bladder disorders, if you drink it over a period.”  Reference: https://www.asohm.com.au/agrimony-a-small-herb-with-mighty-power/

Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa):  This steamed root is a vital herb used widely in the traditional Chinese herbal repertory and contains vitamins C, A and some B vitamins. It is best known for its "tonic" properties to fortify the blood, increase vitality and support capillary integrity. Called Dihuang, this herb is used to "replenish the kidneys", support normal urination and build the body's normal energy levels following illness.

Reference: https://www.health.com/echinacea-benefits-7570763


Bladder Infection (UTI) and Bladder Inflammatiom (Urethritis)
Occurs as a complication of an ascending Urinary tract infection (UTI) which spreads from the bladder to the kidneys.

Kidney Infection
(Pyelonephritis)and  Bladder Infection (UTI).
Infections are quite common - so if needed for more difficult cases or situations. A non-toxic herbal antibiotic compared to giving your pet the chemical antibiotics. Often cause more damage to organs.Often there is also kidney infection, and it doesn't hurt to add both herbs as one dose to clear INFECTION from bladder and kidneys.

The pH level for a healthy dog is typically between 6.5 to 7.0.  If the pH is not within this range, it may allow bacteria to thrive.  However, your dog’s pH level may fluctuate throughout the day, so if your dog’s pH level does not fall within this range, you shouldn’t be immediately alarmed.  Some dogs chronically produce alkaline (high pH) urine, and it has been my experience that these animals are more prone to chronic infections – but not all of them are.

A high pH can make a dog more prone to urinary tract infections, but the high pH can also be the result of an infection. In most cases, E. coli is the bacterium that causes such infections.
The other common pathogens include Staphylococcus, Proteus mirabilis, Streptococcus, Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas spp.

In UTIs in horses, E coli, Streptococcus, and Enterococcus spp predominate, whereas Corynebacterium renale and E coli are the most common pathogens in ruminants. In immunocompromised animals, funguria from Candida spp may occur.

Intestinal Cystitis  (bladder inflammation)
Make some turmeric tea. Using Organic Turmeric Tea leaves, or   Cornsilk herb tea twice a day in meals.  Eg 1 – 2 TB    for a toy dog or cat.     E.g.  www.tealife.com.au

Add to daily meals and milk drinks. 
~  Turmeric is known to be anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and digestive health properties, turmeric has the ability to neutra

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