Kidney failure, also known as renal failure, can be caused by a number of reasons. There are two types of kidney failure in a cat - acute renal failure and chronic kidney failure.
Acute Renal crisis?
e.g Pyelonephritis - is an infection from the bladder to the kidneys, the condition can get worse. It can trigger severe back pain, nausea, vomiting, and, in rare cases, kidney damage. Nephritis (inflammed kidneys). It can happen in cats of any age and typically results from poisons, disorders, diseases, organ failure, and certain types of drug medications. Recomendation: Nephro 19-2 formula and Kidney Microbial 42 formula.
Chronic Kidney Failure
the kidneys gradually stop working over a longer period of time and lose the ability to filter the blood of toxins. This type of kidney failure can lead to total kidney failure. This condition can happen in a older cat over the age of 9, who has been feed dry food most of their lives. * Recomendation: to be on the safe side start adding the Kidney Microbial 42 formula to daily meals - with or without having a infection in bladder or kidneys yet.
Symptoms your may notice:
- Weight loss and lack of appetite
- Lethargy or weakness
- Bad breath (ammonia-like odor)
- Unusual urination
- Diarrhea (may contain blood)
- Vomiting (may contain blood)
- Dehydration or excessive drinking (as cats are desert animals by nature, they dont normally need to drink very often)
- Mouth ulcers on the gums and tongue
- A dry 'staring' coat
Learn about how to do SubQ fluids (product 108) at home, takes 5 minutes to do. Greatly improves quality of life - hydrates as well as helps flush waste from kidneys - naturally!
A carefully selected blend of natural plant and mineral ingredients, traditionally known for use in supporting the Kidney function that my help removal of waste, blood pressure and red blood cells.
Natural Pet Botanicals Recommendations formulas are both effective and gentle in supporting the whole body, you support your own animal or pet at home, and in almost every single case we improve vitality and longevity. If you are dealing with any metabolic or immune issue with your pet, we suggest that you contact us for a consultation so we can ensure you are using the right products.
* Natural pet botanicals are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our formulas are offered as an alternative health support for your animal's condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in food, treats or liquid.
1. RenoAid 19-1 formula 50ml
2. Nephro 19-2 30ml
3. Electrolyte Trace Minerals 19-3 50ml
4. Anemo 19-4 50ml
5. KidVita 19-5 100ml
6. Cell Hydro 50ml
Formula 1.
Benzoic mineral (Benzoic Ac 30C)
Goldenrod (Solidago Carb 4X, 6X) (traditionally use to support kidneys)
Lucerne Grass (Alfalfa 6C, 30C) (traditionally used as a digestion appetite)
Horse Tail (Equisetum Hyemale 30C)
Shepards’s Purse (Thlas Bura Pastora 30C)
Eel Serum (Serum Ang 30C, 1M) (traditionally use to support kidneys)
Fresh leave of Tobacco (Tabacum 200C) (traditionally used as a bladder, kidneys, cystitis)
Spanish Fly (Cantharis 6X, 30C) (traditionally used as a bladder, kidneys, cystitis)
Berries (Juniperus Communis 6X, 30C)
Cuttlefish Ink (Sepia 30X) (traditionally used as for chronic cystitis, weak bladder)
Potassium Chloride (Kali Mur 30C, 200X) (traditionally used as a prevention from feline saddle thrombosis -blood clots)
* Your Vet may tell you that your cat has "High" Creatinine / BUN levels, Uremia, or mitral valve insufficiency, kidney failure, acute nephritis, hypertension. Did you know that HIGH Creatinine and BUN levels can be an issue, along with parasitic (protozoan species). Malaria parasitic detox, prevention from feline saddle thrombosis (blood clots) which are seen in older felines, felines with a overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), or heart disease conditions.
* When you or a vet provide the SubQ fluids for felines give only 80ml of warmed up fluids just under the skin daily for a couple of weeks will help dramatically bring down waste levels. Sub-Q fluids (dribbled under the skin) per session of 200ml to 300ml medium size dogs, 500ml for large pet. Initially or If advanced Renal Failure (not eating at all, thin, dry spiky fur) people will need to do SubQ fluids at home. Ask a friendly Vet to show you.
Formula 2
Spanish Fly (Cantharis 200X) (traditionally used for inflammation and pain while urinating)
Stavesacre (staphysagria 12X) (traditionally used for inflammation and pain while urinating)
Honey Bee (Apis Mell 12X) (traditionally used for nephritis, swelling, inflammation, burning while passing urine)
Potassium Chlorate. (Kali Chloricum 12C) (traditionally used for chronic nephritis)
Black Helleborus (Helleborus Niger 200C) (traditionally used for nephritis, fever, ulcers, cystitis, albuminuria, congested kidneys, uremic, dropsy, oedema of legs)
Blue Flag plant (Iris Vers 6C) (traditionally used for vomiting undigested food, colic, pancreas, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, restlessness at night)
Club Moss (Lycopodium Clavavatum 30C)
Monkshood (Aconitum Nap 6X )
Wild Indigo Root (Baptisia 12X ) (Infection)
Meadow Saffron (Colchicum Autumnale 12X)
Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra 12X, 30C)
Common Barberry (Berberis Vulg 12X) (traditionally used for liver and kidneys)
Monkshood (Aconite Nap 12X, 30C)
Cuttlefish Ink (Sepia 30X) (traditionally used for chronic cystitis, weak bladder)
Seven-barks (Hydrangea Arborescens 12X, 30C)
Goldenrod (Solidago Viraurea 12X, 30C) (traditionally used as a kidney tonic)
Fresh leaves of Tobacco (Tabacum 30C)
Stavesacre (Staphysagria 12X, 30C)
Liver-wort (Hepatica triloba 1M) (traditionally used for fatty liver from overload of toxins),
Taraxacum Dens-leonis (Taraxacum 1M) (traditionally used for jaundice)
Did you know that bacterial infection - called "Nocardiosis" could affect the kidneys?
Formula 3
Electrolyte - Trace Minerals liquid
½ tsp – (40 drops)
Magnesium 250mg
Chloride 650mg
Sodium 5mg
Potassium 3mg
Sulfate 40mg
Boron 1mg
Ionic Trace minerals complex, purified water, Utah sea minerals, potassium chloride, non-GM0 citric acid.
Formula 4
Club Moss (Lycopodium clavatum 12X, 30C)
Picrate of iron. (Ferrum Picricum 12X, 30C)
Iron - trace element (Ferrum Citricum 12X, 30C)
Carbonate of Manganese (Manganum Aceticum 12X, 30C)
Ferric Phosphate (Ferrum Phosphoricum 12X, 30C)
Common Salt (Natrum Muriaticum 30X) (traditionally used to help assimilate Iron)
Iodide of Gold (Aurum Iodatum 1M) (traditionally used for arteriosclerosis)
Fe-Iron (Ferrum Metallicum 30C) (Iron - tissue salt)
Chamaeleon minerale (Merc Sol 12X) (traditionally used for anemia, liver enlarged, jaundice)
Spirits of Hartshorn (Ammon.Causticum 200C) (Traditionally used for as a powerful cardiac stimulant)
Bryony Root (Bryonia Alb 200C) ( traditionally used for jaundice, nephritis)
* The "Epogen" drug, a synthetic form of erythropoietin for anemia in cats, but has a nasty side effect, and because of this, it is a short term drug. With anemia your pet may have little stamina or energy, so they seem listless or tire more easily - can be more borderline symptoms. However, if anaemic - weight loss, labored breathing, loss of appetite, a faster heart rate, or signs of blood loss (bloody nose, blood in the stool, urine, or vomit) may also be seen.
Formula 5
Support formula that has nutritional components of Vitamin A, D,C, B-complex, B6, Magnesium & Calcium, Zinc, Lecithin, Digestive enzymes, Hydrochoric Acid, Kelp, Acemannan, (which is an aloe derivative), Multi-Vitamin,L-Cysteine amino acid, E.F.A's, Dandelion, Nettles
Formula 6
Common Salt (Natrum Muriaticum 30X) (traditionally used in order to help distribute the water evenly throughout the body, sending it where it is needed at a given moment. e.g dryness causing difficult stools - constipation extra supply will go to this area in the colon. Nat Mur is rehydrating at the cellular level, as a fluid Balancer. Without Nat Mur cell division and normal growth cannot proceed. Another important function of Nat Mur is the production of hydrochloric acid. Too little acid means slow digestion and when the body’s fluids become too acidic, minerals are pulled out of bones and tissues to compensate. Above all Nat Mur restores the fluid balance our cells need daily)
Phosphate of Soda (Nat Phos 12X) (traditionally used for as a liquid to balance the acidic - alkaline mixtures in the body, as kidney failure pets tend to get too acidic)
Sodium Sulphate (Nat Sulph12X) (traditionally used for a Eliminator or excess fluid in the body. As long as it is sufficient, the liquids will be removed. When it is lacking, however, the body has to produce fever and sweating in order to remove it - any condition where there is a profuse loss of fluids (or sweating), may be an imbalance of this salt)
Chloride of magnesium (Magnesium Mur 30C) (traditionally used to help magnesium in the loop of a henley. Aids absorption in needed areas - colon)
A pet or animal may feel so thirsty or dry that he or she feels the need to drink huge quantity of water, only to feel physically full, but still wanting more! Single herb Bryonia will bring the fluid deprived body back to balance, allowing the water to become officious and to restore order to the cellular structure of the body, struggling from lack of fluid)
Note: People and Pets with CKD commonly have low albumin levels because of the loss of protein (albumin) in urine. Low albumin levels can result in swelling of the feet or hands, fatigue, loss of appetite and dry/itchy skin.
The Astragalus herb has been shown to increase albumin levels in the blood so may help with reducing the symptoms caused by low albumin. Reference:
Need more advice or have more questions? Contact us for a FREE consultation with one of our fully qualified practitioners.
The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from your health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.