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SKU: 067-SET
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Short Description: Flea or Fleas, Ticks or Tick, Lice a Natural Repellent, Allergy reactions to bites
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Dog & Cat Diet
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A carefully selected blend of natural, plant and mineral ingredients, traditionally known for supporting the immune system and flea protection.

Natural Pet Botanicals Recommendations formulas are both effective and gentle in supporting the whole body, you support your own animal or pet at home, and in almost every single case we improve vitality and longevity. If you are dealing with any metabolic or immune issue with your pet, we suggest that you contact us for a consultation so we can ensure you are using the right products.

* Natural pet botanicals are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our formulas are offered as an alternative health support for your animal's condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in food, treats or liquid.


Can buy part set or full set, just email us a request.

1. Insect Immuno 67-1 30ml
2. Derma Heal 67-2 30ml  *Topical Skin
3. Insect Repell 276 30gm *Satchel of Dry Herb
TOPICAL - Insecticide Repellent for All SPECIES and AGES.




* Can request bottle 1 or  2  (not full set)

Formula 1.    PROTECTION 
Stavesacre (Staphysagria 200C)
Common Flea (Pulex Irritans 4X, 30C) (traditionally used for common flea-  prickly itching, sore spots all over)
Sulphonated Hydrocarbons (Ichthyolum 30X)  (traditionally used for heat and irritation; itching. Scaly and itching eczema,psoriasis, Acne, rosacea, erysipelas)
Wild Rosemary (Ledum palustre 3X)
N. O. Compositae (Grindelia 6C)
Brimstone (Sulphur 30C)
Stavesacre (Staphysagria 4X)
in 20% USP alc. in purified water.
* The formula works on building an immunity against having an allergy reaction to the fleas and ticks.

* To relieve the itching, and get rid of fleas, and / or protect against them in the future, we have include Psorinum, Ledum and Antimonium crudum and staphysagria.

Formula 2.   * Topical spray
Marigold flower (Calendula)
St Johns Wort (Hypericum)
Chickweed (Stellaria media)
Goldenseal (Hydrastis Cana)
Bach flowers rescue remedy.
 * TOPICAL skin anti-itch heal skin application for secondary infection and sores, aiding healing.

Labrador Tea (Ledum groenlandicum)

THIS HERB IS NOT BEING COOKED. Instructions Provided. 
Topical spray - Flea, Tick, Mosquito, Lice

e.g  Formula 1. 

Staphysagria  (Tradionally used to help repel and control fleas on dogs and cats naturally using the Natural, Plant - Based formula a Immunity)
It is totally natural, economical, non-toxic (to kids, pets and the environment) and can safely be given to a dog or cat for fleas.  Even better, it makes attacks by ticks more difficult; this helps the pet to fight more effectively against ticks   (e.g Lyme tick infection)

Psorinum  (Traditionally used as a effective natural solution of flea and tick collar, insecticide intolerance, or ineffectiveness. Hardy fleas will become immune to the commercial insecticides used in flea collars. This remedy is also good for sporting or hunting dogs who have been out too long in the elements. The guiding symptoms which point to the use of Psorinum are, the skin will have an offensive musky smell, there is intolerable itching and the animal seeks warmth.)


Need more advice or have more questions? Contact us for a FREE consultation with one of our fully qualified practitioners. 


The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from your health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.

  • One week later virtually no fleas to be seen.

    Posted by Carl Michaelis on 28th Mar 2021 (Verified Customer)

    Purchased this item for a 4 week old kitten and combined this with flea combing. One week later virtually no fleas to be seen.

  • This worked really quickly,

    Posted by Hilke Hermens on 17th Dec 2020 (Verified Customer)

    This worked really quickly, her sores were gone within a few days after starting this. We still comb her all the time and still treat the house but after a year of fighting with fleas, she's not scratching anymore and making herself bleed.

  • Zak's overall condition has improved since using this remedy.

    Posted by Robyn Henshaw on 15th Nov 2013 (Verified Customer)

    I have been using the Flea Allergy remedy on Zak, my Gordon Setter since April. He has a very high intolerance to fleas (along with all his other allergies) and just one flea on him sees him break out in terrible hives. Since starting Zak on this remedy his tolerance to fleas has improved, although he is not cured. I am very aware of the need to treat Zak's environment and to keep his bedding flea free. His bedding is washed weekly and I use Borax powder on our carpet and in Zak's yard regularly to break the flea breeding cycle. Zak's overall condition has improved since using this remedy.

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