Gingivitis, Stomatitis Set of 3

Gingivitis, Stomatitis Set of 3

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Short Description: Gingivitis, Stomatits (ulceerative gum ulcers) Mouth conditions from Feline Herpesvirus, Feline Calicivirus and/or Bacterial Infection from Bartonella H (Bartonellosis)
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Gingivitis, Stomatitis Set of 3


A carefully selected blend of natural, plant and mineral ingredients, traditionally known for supporting the immune system.

Natural Pet Botanicals Recommendations formulas are both effective and gentle in supporting the whole body, you support your own animal or pet at home, and in almost every single case we improve vitality and longevity. If you are dealing with any metabolic or immune issue with your pet, we suggest that you contact us for a consultation so we can ensure you are using the right products.

* Natural pet botanicals are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our formulas are offered as an alternative health support for your animal's condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in food, treats or liquid.



1. Gum~Ulcer~Skin 11-1 formula 50ml
2. Gum Skin Infection Inflamed 11-2 Mix 200ml
3. Liposomal Vitamin C 100ml liquid



Formula 1.
Pot Marigold (Calendula 12X) (traditionally used in cases ofabscess, burns, ulcers, wounds)
Nitricum Acidum (Nitric Acid 1M) (traditionally used in cases of putrid breath, salivation, bleeding of gums, ulcers in soft palate, gums swollen, ranula, tongue ulcerations)
Nitrate of Uranium (Uranium Nitricum 2X, 12X, 200C) (traditionally used in cases of stomatitis)
Sulphuricum Acidum (Sulph Acid 6X, 1M) (traditionally used in cases of ulcerative stomatitis, LPS)
Bone set herb (Sympthum 10M)  (traditionally used in cases of wounds, skin ulcers)
Magnesia phosphate (Mag Phos 30C, 200C) (traditionally used in cases of spasm of pain in face)
Chamaeleon minerale (Merc Sol 12C, 1M)
Arbor Vitae (Thuja 200C)  (traditionally used in cases of vaccinosis, stomatitis)
Salt of Wormwood Potassium Carbonate (Kalium Chloricum 1M) (traditionally used in cases of nephritis, toxemia, stomatitis, neuralgic pain)
Mineral oil (Kreosotum 1M)  (traditionally used in cases of inflammation, infection of gums or teeth)
Sodium biborate (Borax 13X)  (traditionally used in cases of salivation, colic, gastro, nausea, aphthous ulcers in mouth and on tongue, mouth hot and tender, herpes, toothache, ulcers in gum, bleeding gums)
Wild Indigo Root (Baptisia 10M) (traditionally used in cases of stomatitis, ulcers on tongue, oesophagus stricture, septic fever, offensive breath, ragged ulcers on throat)
St. John’s Wort (Hypericum 1M)  (traditionally used in cases acute nerve pain)
Champignon fou Fungi (Agaricus 200C)
Swell Lymph 33-6 formula
Blood-leaf (Sanguinaria 200C)
Ferric Phosphate (Ferrum Phosphoricum 3X, 200X)
Green Iodide (Merc. Protoiodatus 1M) (traditionally used in cases of sore throat, swollen glands),
Iodide of Lime (Calcarea Iodata 1M) (traditionally used in cases tonsils, glands)
Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga 1M) (traditionally used in cases of " radiating or electric-shock pains" and "spasms )
Pink-root (Spigelia 1M) (traditionally used in cases relieves stabbing nerve pain that feels like burning needles. It is most effective on pains of the fifth nerve which explains the frontal headache, eye, jaw and frontal sinus pain, especially when stooping).
Drawing Out 16 formula
Lympho Clear 33-3 formula
in 20% USP alc. in purified water.



Formula 2.              
Slippery Elm

Wild Lettuce herb  (Lactuca virosa)
Red Root  (Ceanothus americanus) (traditionally used as a lymph stimulant and tonic)
Elderberries (Sambucus nigra)
Systemic Virus 239-1 mix
Lomatium (Fern leaf)

Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata)
Cats Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Japanese knotweed (Persicaria capitata)
Isatis Root (Isatis tinctoria)
Astragalus (Astragalus propinquus) 

Tradional Herbal Medicinal Uses
Mouth ulcers, phytochemical compounds, recurrent aphthous ulcer,  Using the herbs that have proven of the effectiviness of the anti-inflammatory effect of methanolic extract of G. glabra is done by ..... of many plants, such as Coptis chinensis (coptis or golden thread), 
Berberis vulgaris, commonly known as Barberry etc.
Reference :  RAS  (recurrent aphthous stomatitis). To study the effects of total alkaloids (TA) extracted from Rhizoma Coptis Chinensis on experimental gastric ulcer models. Four kinds of experimental ulcer models were established respectively by water-immersion stress, intragastric ethanol, acetic acid erosion, and pylorus ligation. The anti-ulcer effects of TA were evaluated, and compared with that of herbs berberine (Ber) and cimetidine (Cim). TA showed significant inhibitory effects on ulcerative formation induced by water-immersion stress, intragastric ethanol, and pylorus ligation in dose-dependent manner, and showed therapeutic effect on acetic acid erosion-inducing ulcer, in comparison with the control group. The anti-ulcer activity of Ber was less than TA containing equal content of Ber. TA significantly reduced the free acidity, total acidity and total acid output, but didn't affect the gastric juice volume, gastric pepsin activity, adherent mucus quantity of stomach wall and free mucus dissolving in gastric juice. The suppressive activities of TA on gastric acid secretion didn't occur when it was administered into dodecadactylon at a dose of 360 mg/kg wt. Moreover, when compared with Cim, the inhibitory effect of TA on gastric acid secretion isn't proportional to the inhibitory effects on the formation of the 4 kinds of experimental ulcers. TA is a potent candidate in therapeutic drugs for treating gastric ulcer. Its anti-ulcer effective components and mechanism is not only related to Ber and inhibition of gastric acid, but also to other ingredients of TA and mechanism so far unknown.
* Berberine and its protoberberine alkaloids palmatine, coptisine and aporphinoid alkaloid of magnoflorine have been confirmed to be the major pharmacologically active constituents of Coptidis Rhizoma against H. pylori[14-16].  Berberine, one of the chemical marker of this formula, was also found to possess simultaneous gastrointestine protective and anti-inflammatory activities.
Red Root (Ceanothus americanus)   (traditionally used as a lymph stimulant and tonic. In order to help facilitate clearing of dead cellulare tissue from the lymph system, this is where the Red Root herb comes in. As white blood cells kill bacterial and viral pathogens they are taken to the lymph system for disposal. If the lymph system clears out dead cellulare material rapidly the healing process is enhanced)
Wild Lettuce
(Lactuca virosa) Benefits - traditionally used as a natural Pain Relief, this plant does not contain any opiates and is entirely legal.  Its pain relieving effects come from the milky white substance it excretes, lactucarium, whose active compounds are comparable to the distilled, synthetic versions found in prescription painkillers. The main active compounds in lactucarium are lactupicrinlactucin and lactucopicrin. These compounds have been found to possess analgesic activity, along with sedative activity. One study claimed that a mere 30 mg/kg dose of lactucopicrin is similar to a 60 mg/kg dose of ibuprofen. The compounds found in the lactucarium work in the way morphine does, directly impacting the central nervous system, blunting its ability to feel pain.It is recommended by herbalists as a remedy for severe migraines and is especially effective for women who suffer acute pain during their menstrual cycle.
Sedative -The pain relieving qualities of Wild Lettuce also aid in relaxing the body. This makes it very useful in the treatment of insomnia and anxiety, with it also called a feeble opium because it does not upset the digestive system. Respiratory Health -Wild lettuce can be used as a natural support for asthma and coughs. The powerful herb helps reduce irritation of the bronchial tubes and lungs. It’s also able to loosen mucus and difficulty breathing associated with asthma. Furthermore, it has successfully be used for whooping cough and bronchitis.
Elderberries  (Sambucus nigra) traditonally used for animal influenza, herpes simplex,

feline immunodefiency virus (FIV), haemophilus influenza, straph and Streph infection, E.coli, Helicobacter Pylori, Pseudomonas Aerug, Infkuenza B and others.has traditionally been used to relieve fever, symptoms of respiratory catarrh and mucous congestion. Immune system boost, coughs, colds, flu, bacterial infections, viral infections, tonsilitis antioxidant, improve vision, boost the immune system, and tonsillitis.
Elderflowers  (Sambucus) traditionally used for Staph Aureus (resistant and non resistant), Mycobacterium phlei infections, also help stimulate the immune system and increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the blood.
Red Root (Ceanothus americanus) (traditionally used as a lumph stimulant and tonic. In order to help facilitate clearing of dead cellulare tissue from the lymph system, this is the Red Root herb comes in. As white blood cells kill bacterial and viral pathogens they are taken to the lymph system for disposal. If the lymph system clears out dead cellulare material rapidly the healing process is enhanced) Asthma, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, general pulmonary problems, oral ulcerations - due to infection and fever. 

3. Liposomal Vitamin C 100ml liquid

4. Solution 100ml

Reference: notes. Heart disease, high blood pressure and imbalanced levels of electrolytes like potassium are possible causes of tachycardia. Abnormal levels of potassium coupled with heart disease potentially cause tachycardia, according to a study published in a 2001 issue of the “Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology.



The Link Between Vitamin C Deficiency and Gingivitis.
  Written by Andrei Popov
| Date of publication - May. 27, 2024

Gingivitis, a common gum disease, can be linked to vitamin C deficiency. This article explores the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for gingivitis caused by a lack of vitamin C. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining healthy gums and preventing gum inflammation through an adequate intake of vitamin C.

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy gums. It is an essential nutrient that supports the overall health of the oral cavity. One of the key functions of vitamin C is its ability to prevent gum inflammation, also known as gingivitis. Gingivitis is a common gum disease characterized by redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums. It occurs when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, builds up on the teeth and along the gumline.  If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to a more severe form of gum disease called periodontitis. Vitamin C helps combat gingivitis by promoting the health of gum tissues.  Note Vaccines severely depletes a cats body of vitamin C. 
*Use safe alternatives adding wholefood vitamin C powder in every meal given.


What is Stomatitis?

Stomatitis is the inflammation of the buccal mucus membrane.
Commonly it is known as Mouth Ulcer
Stomatitis is often caused from a virus e.g.  Herpesvirus or Calicivirus and/ or Bartonella bacteria infection, causing severe painful inflammation of a cat’s mouth and gums and possibly throat too.
Ongoing mouth inflammation and ulcers in cats is termed feline 'stomatitis', characterized by gradually worsened inflammation of the oral mucosal tissues. Feline stomatitis etiology is assumed to be an immune-mediated weakness ( vitamin and mineral deficiencies) allowing a viral infection to take over, such as feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus and/ or Bartonella bacteria infection.  
* If also difficulty swallowing from possible lesion in throat, also use the Trachea189-1 formula to help prevent gagging reflux.

Cats with stomatitis also often show inflammation lateral to the palatoglossal folds in the caudal oral cavity (referred to as caudal stomatitis or caudal mucositis).Mouth inflammation and ulcers in cats is one of the very few conditions that will cause a feline to show obvious signs of pain. It is in a cat’s nature to not freely express pain, but feline stomatitis is so painful cats often cry out in pain with a simply yawn.
Cat owners also report a type of behavior veterinarians call, “approach-avoidance.” This behavioral term is used to describe a cat who hungrily approaches her food, only to hiss at her bowl and run away. Approach-avoidance behavior is a symptom that develops over time as the feline anticipates the consumption of food to be painful. Behavioral changes may be the first signs of feline stomatitis a cat owner notices, as inflammation and ulcers in the mouth are not easily seen.

The following additional symptoms may also be noted in a cat with mouth inflammation and ulcers:

  • Severe pain
  • Vocalization or crying out upon the opening of the mouth
  • Dropping food while eating
  • Refusal to eat or drink
  • Facial pawing
  • Weight loss
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
  • Ptyalism ( drooling, hyper-salivation,)
  • Poor hair coat
  • Red, swollen gums and/or mouth
  • Visible ulcers or lesions

Stomatitis is often caused from a Virus 

Feline stomatitis etiology is assumed to be an immune-mediated weakness (vitamin and mineral deficiencies) allowing a viral infection to take over, such as feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus and/ or Bartonella bacteria infection.

* If also difficulty swallowing from possible lesion in throat, also use the Trachea Aid  formula to help prevent gagging reflux.  e.g  Vitamin C & B Complex deficiency condition.  And Zinc (mineral) deficiency predisposing to skin ulcers & eczema.

Causes of Mouth Inflammation and Ulcers in Cats.

The exact cause of mouth inflammation and ulcers in cats is unclear, but what is clear is that the condition appears to be immune-mediated. In other words, feline stomatitis is believed to be an overreaction of the immune system, causing the feline’s own immune system to attack bacteria in the mouth as well as its oral tissues. The immune system is triggered by plaque in the mouth, making feline dental disease the prime suspected cause. Mouth inflammation and ulcers in cats can be caused by dental disease, but also infection and viruses, including:

  • Bartonellosis (bacterial infection)
  • Feline calicivirus (FCV)
  • Feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1)
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
  • Feline leukemia virus (FeLV)

Feline Stomatitis is often caused from a VIRAL infection

e.g  Herpesvirus, Calicivirus   or   BACTERIAL infection Bartonellosis (Bartonella bacteria
Which causes severe, painful inflammation of a cat’s mouth and gums, throat. Ongoing mouth inflammation and ulcers in cats is termed feline 'stomatitis', characterized by gradually worsened inflammation of the oral mucosal tissues. Feline stomatitis etiology is assumed to be an immune-mediated weakness caused by dental  and viral infections, such as feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus or  BACTERIAL infection Bartonellosis (Bartonella bacteria)

* Pets with Gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia, also the powder of the slippery elm powder made into a liquid in meals and orally if not able to eat without causing intestinal upsets.

* Plus Recomemdation: Stomach Rescue 89-1 formula  ... vomiting, diarrhea. Gastro Intestinal symptoms. Different types of stomatitis - Catarrhal stomach, Ineffective stomatitis (bacterial, viral, fungal)  or  Allergic stomatitis

Must use both formula and suggested vitamin.

Expect a full 12 months to resolve condition.. if acute inflammation ulcers & pain.

With all cats own teeth still in mouth as its a gum condition, not teeth issue.

This is again of various types, such as:

Bacterial:  - it is due to some organism causing diphtheria, Bartonellla H infection. Ulcers are saying wheat irregular ragged marching anywhere in sight the mouth cavity.  By using the formula 1, it can prevent it spreading or can add to meals for the other kittens and cats as a prevention.

Viral: - feline herpes is contagious from one cat to another. ... Cats can catch this virus by sharing litter boxes, food and water dishes with an infected cat, as well as by mutual grooming. Depending on the cause of the stomatitis (i.e. FIV or feline leukemia or  Feline Calicivirus, feline herpesvirus ).  Many cats with stomatitis concurrently shed both herpesvirus and calicivirus.1 * By using the formula 1, it can prevent it spreading or can add to meals for the other kittens and cats as a prevention.
~ Fungal: - this type of stomatitis is caused by candida albicans. It is seen in extremely debilitated condition or opt prolonged use of steroids, antibiotics, or cytotoxic drugs. The mouth is dry and microscopically clusters of spores and there may be seen a filaments. In this case improvement top general nutrition and maintenance of oral hygiene is necessary.

iii)    Allergic stomatitis:  it is seen in case of angioneurotic oedema, local allergy from antibiotics.      and 
iv)    Stomatitis due to malnutrition:
  it is occur in case of malabsorption syndrome, lack of vitamins particularly of the B complex vitamins (add Bee Pollen grains to daily meals and Amino Acid capsules  g Bluebonnet  “Amino Acid”  750mg capsules.  ... just open the capsule and add the content to each meal...  for muscle, strength and repair, for weight loss, energy. 
It's natural blend of amino acids allows you to receive the nutrients you need to bounce.

Bartonella bacteria infection?

Plenty of cats that have been exposed to Bartonella don’t get sick and, therefore, don’t show clinical signs of the disease. Nonetheless, these cats may still transmit the disease to humans.  Infected cat may display a variety of clinical signs, including chronic inflammatory conditions that affect the eyes, mouth, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal system, and even the heart.

More specific clinical signs may include:

  • Uveitis     (inflammation of a part of the eye) Recomemdation: Inflam formula and Eye Uveit formula
  • Stomatitis (inflammation of the mouth) 
  • Gingivitis   (inflammation of the gums) 
  • Chronic upper respiratory infection (sneezing, nasal, and eye discharge)
  • Inflammatory bowel (chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea, gastro)
    Recomemdation: Intestinal Recocery 83-1 formula ( eg colitis )  or if acute symptoms. 
    Stomach Rescue 89-1 formula  ( e.g gasto)
  • Fever  Recomemdation: A natural, plant - based formulas Bartonella H

This can be more COMMON with Malnutrition cat or kittens.


  1. Add a pinch of Bee Pollen to meals (as this is a natural form of B Complex).
  2. Of these extra ones are needed is Folic acid (but buy the bioactive one called "Folinic Acid" Liquid from California Gold Nutrition)  Not Folic Acid

For felines: add 1 drop in meals once a day

~ B12 (Methylcobalamin) from com are the main vitamins.
For felines and toy dog and other small animals: add 2-3 drop in meals once a day* It is also seen in are iron deficiency anaemia. In this case appropriate vitamin should be taken.

~ ZINC Picolinate
The skin DNA doesn't hold its folds properly in zinc deficiency predisposing to ulcers & eczema.
For felines:  open the capsules of each supplement and add 1/4 to a pinch of the powder mix well into daily meals. 
Twice a day.  If after a week and no changes, then add 1/2 the  powder from the capsule, twice a day.

Canines:    (small to med to large):  1 powder from capsule twice a day.  If no change after a week, add 2 powder from capsules twice a day.  Continue for 2 months. Then reduce to half for longer.
Equines:   (all sizes)  1 powder from capsule twice a day.  If no change after a week, add 2 powder from capsules twice a day.  Continue for 2 months. Then reduce to half for longer.

Renew Life, "Ultimate FLORA" Ultimate Care Probiotic, 150 billion live (by Renew Life)Also add a good pinch of the powder in meals of the " Renew Life, Ultimate FLORA" 150 billion (by Renew Life) I have several probiotics listed in the SCIO, this one was indicated needed from clinical consultation with an acute case of stomatitis.   

It takes approx. 2 months of the Probiotic to repair the "gut" fully.
* However, chronic health conditions or malnutritional health kitties may need to stay on the Probiotic and Colostrum for min of 12 months or longer.

Vitamin C
Symptoms of a Vitamin C Deficiency. 
A variety of symptoms will show that an individual is suffering from a vitamin C deficiency. E.G.  Gum Issues -  (e.g. gingivitis, stomatitis, rodent ulcers) Just as a healthy daily dose of vitamin C contributes to healthy teeth and gums, a  deficiency can cause deterioration of the gums. Periodontal problems are a symptom of a vitamin C deficiency that has been allowed to develop to  a hazardous level.

* Recommend also using a natural type of vitamin C, like

        Whole Food Alive - Vitamin C - POWDER                 or 
        Organic True Wholefood Vitamin C - POWDER          or  
        Pure Radiance Vitamin C - POWDER                        or   
        Liposomal Vitamin C - LIQUID

DOSING:  Cat, Kitten. dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of powder or liquid liposomal vitamin c into meals, milk drinks (and or/ Herbal Mix   e.g  Vitamin C & B Complex deficiency condition.  And Zinc (mineral) deficiency predisposing to skin ulcers & eczema.

~ Feline calicivirus (FCV) is a highly contagious virus found in cats and a cause of upper respiratory and oral infections.

Typical clinical signs of FCV include nasal discharge, gingivitis, and stomatitis.
FCV is also able to affect the joints of cats, resulting in lameness. In this study, we monitored a small outbreak of FCV limping disease in two household cats. The transmission between the two animals likely occurred indirectly via virus shed in the environment from the respiratory tract. The findings of this study highlight the need for the adoption of adequate prophylaxis measures to prevent the transmission of highly transmissible infectious diseases.
Feline calicivirus (FCV) is a common viral pathogen found in domestic cats. FCV is highly contagious and demonstrates a high genetic variability. Upper respiratory tract disease, oral ulcerations, salivation, and gingivitis–stomatitis have been regarded as typical clinical signs of FCV infection. Ulcerative dermatitis, abortion, severe pneumonia, enteritis, chronic stomatitis, and virulent systemic disease have been reported more sporadically. Limping syndrome has been also described either in naturally or experimentally FCV-infected cats. In this study, we monitored a small outbreak of FCV infection in two household cats, in which limping disease was monitored with a 12-day lag time. The complete genome sequence was determined for the viruses isolated from the oropharyngeal and rectal swabs of the two animals, mapping up to 39 synonymous nucleotide mutations. The four isolates were sensitive to low pH conditions and trypsin treatment, a pattern usually associated with viruses isolated from the upper respiratory tract. Overall, the asynchronous pattern of infections and the results of genome sequencing suggest that a virus of respiratory origin was transmitted between the animals and that the FCV strain was able to retain the limping disease pathotype during the transmission chain, as previously observed in experimental studies with FCV strains associated with lameness.
Feline calicivirus (FCV) belongs to the genus Vesivirus, included in the Caliciviridae family [1]. 
FCV is an icosahedral virus with a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genome approximately 7.7 kb in length [2]. The FCV genome contains a virus-encoded protein at the 5′ end, a poly-A tail at the 3′ end, and three adjacent open reading frames (ORFs). ORF1 encodes a polyprotein that is proteolytically cleaved into nonstructural proteins, including a viral protease and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. ORF2 encodes the capsid precursor protein, which is post-translationally cleaved into the leader capsid protein and the mature capsid protein VP1. ORF3 encodes the putative minor capsid protein VP2 [3,4]. FCV is an important infectious and endemic pathogen and mostly affects cats under one year of age. FCV infection usually causes mild self-limiting clinical manifestations with high morbidity and low mortality [5,6].
Clinical signs 
can evolve as acute or subacute infection of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity (stomatitis and oral inflammatory syndrome) [7,8]. FCV infection is rarely associated with ulcerative dermatitis, abortion, severe pneumonia [2], chronic stomatitis, or virulent systemic disease (VSD) [9]. Vaccination is indicated for all cats [5], although the efficacy of FCV vaccines is affected by viral genetic and antigenic variability [10]. Current vaccines do not seem to cross-protect effectively against all the field strains [11].

~ Limping syndrome is also a rare outcome of FCV infection.

This syndrome has been described either in naturally or experimentally infected kittens [12,13] and older cats [14]. The peculiar clinical signs are stiffness, hyperesthesia, mild joint pain, and muscle soreness. The pathogenesis of this syndrome likely involves immune complexes [15], and FCV has been isolated from affected joints [12]. FCV antigens have been detected in the joints of cats experimentally inoculated with either a field or a vaccine virus [15]. Thickened synovial membranes and the intra-synovial collection of fluid have been observed. Pyrexia is commonly present, and some cats show concurrent signs of respiratory disease with or without oral ulceration [12].
In this paper, we report a small outbreak of limping disease observed in two household cats. The animals underwent asynchronous infection with a 12-day lag time, suggesting sequential infection between the two animals and, therefore, an intrinsic ability of the FCV strain to induce limping.
Reference: notes. Heart disease, high blood pressure and imbalanced levels of electrolytes like potassium are possible causes of tachycardia.


Need more advice or have more questions? Contact us for a FREE consultation with one of our fully qualified practitioners. 




The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from your health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.



  • He started to purr, a slightly wheezy, VERY loud purr.

    Posted by Joanne and Michael on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    He started to purr, a slightly wheezy, VERY loud purr.
    I must tell you on Thursday evening after a 2nd dose of the Bottle 1 Mucous and Bone formula, he started to purr, a slightly wheezy, VERY loud purr. Thats the 1st purr in over a month. And last night he was purring again. Thats miraculous! He wont eat solids, anything, voluntarily yet. We still have to force-feed him, so his diet is still rather on the liquid side. We are trying the pink salmon juice with the flesh mashed up, adding ascorbic acid. Interestingly: we hand on the food scraps he leaves (some medications must still be present) to the other cats -- and they love them. Obviously it does no harm, for they come back for more! OH! for the day when Tom begins to eat by himself!
    Thank you again. Joanne and Michael

  • I am almost in disbelief.

    Posted by Gill on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    He is yawning with his mouth fully open, and has actually chewed chicken necks for the last two nights.
    I am almost in disbelief. I have not been able to look in Kulis mouth properly, but we are seeing a different cat. He is yawning with his mouth fully open, and has actually chewed chicken necks for the last two nights. I have not seen him eat a chicken neck for over 6 months. I cut the dose back as suggested, however tonight I gave him the detox remedy as well as the other remedies and he stood there to let me do it, whereas prior to this he would run whenever he saw me reach for the bottles. His eyes also look clearer, no redness around the eyelids. To be honest, I am quite staggered by what I am seeing. His mouth is obviously less painful and I am hoping the observable improvement in behaviour will translate into physical healing. He was due to have interferon treatment in a week and I am now a bit baffled about whether to proceed or not. Stomatitis is usually a very difficult condition to treat, and it is said it cannot be cured, so what I am seeing in such a short time is quite amazing.
    I highly recommend these products. Gill

  • a week now. It's truly amazing to see her eating and acting like her old self again.

    Posted by Jacquie C on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    18 year old cat who has only 2 teeth left and suffered from terrible gingivitis, swollen red gums.
    I can't thank everyone especially Diana enough for all that you do. I ordered the Ging-Peri Relief kit and the Drawing Out remedy for my 18 year old cat who has only 2 teeth left and suffered from terrible gingivitis, swollen red gums. There were times she couldn't eat so we would have to feed her by syringe, at one point we thought we may even have to put her down it was so bad, she was losing so much weight. I am thrilled to tell you that by her 2nd complete day of me dosing her 4 times a day she began eating again, not only was she eating she was coming back for seconds. She is steady gaining weight AND purr's like crazy, and comes over so she can be petted and rubs her face on my arm and chest. I have dosed her for a week now.
    It's truly amazing to see her eating and acting like her old self again.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!! Jacquie C

  • she is getting some relief

    Posted by Kathy Cuddihy on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    The redness of my cat's gums have been an ongoing discomfort. We tried drugs and it never when away or helped for long. I used this gum product recently, and repeat a dose on body twice daily, and so far she is getting some relief, but only early days yet to make a full comment.

  • I can now say that the effects of this treatment are excellent

    Posted by Kathy Cuddihy on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    My cat's gums have seldom been in such good condition.
    I was asked to write a review soon after starting treatment of this product. At that time, the drops had not started to take effect, so my review wasn't positive. I can now say that the effects of this treatment are excellent. My cat's gums have seldom been in such good condition. Thank you!

  • . I am really happy with these products

    Posted by Paula Campos on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    Molly had a terrible Gingivitis. She couldn't eat anything but wet food and even this caused her pain. I purchased the Gingivitis and Gum Inflammation set and treated her on July. Since then she looks much better: she doesn't show any pain, eats normally (wet and dry food), plays with the other cats (before the treatment she would spend the days sleeping) and her mouth is less red. I am really happy with these products and I recommend them to everyone who has the same problem.

  • This formula is excellent.

    Posted by Wendy Akajian on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    This formula is excellent. Have reordered it for my 11 year old pug. He doesn't permit me to brush his teeth. Pugs have different tooth structure to other types of dogs and even if giving raw food diet and natural foods, there can be plaque build-up.

  • Drawing Out formula, Gingivitis, Gum Inflamed, and Plaque Solution remedies worked well on my two cats

    Posted by Pamela Jackson on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    Writing to let you know that the Drawing Out formula, Gingivitis, Gum Inflamed, and Plaque Solution remedies worked well on my two cats, Sunshine and Willow. At that time my local vet said both cats might need teeth cleaning. I started the cats on all of the above. During the last vet visit in September, the vet noted that both cats had much healthier gums and far less tartar build-up. I am pleased with the results and will continue to follow the guidelines you provided for the cats' dental health. Thank you for the excellent products you provide. My only remark is the long distance I have to go to (Australia) to get the homeopathic animal remedies. However, the higher cost of shipping is worth it when it comes to my cats' health.
    Best wishes Pamela Jacobsen,
    Feeding Hills, MA 01030 USA

  • it seems to be helping.

    Posted by Christine Hibbens on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    We have been using this in conjuction with Plague Relief and it seems to be helping.
    One of our elderly furkids was having problems with her teeth/mouth so we purchased the Gingivitis Support as we thought she may have some kind of infection. We have been using this in conjuction with Plague Relief and it seems to be helping.

  • Now there's hope!

    Posted by John Bentley on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    He is doing very well with no need for steroids to keep his stomatitis from flaring up.
    I've only been giving my cat this formula for about 2 weeks, but he is doing very well with no need for steroids to keep his stomatitis from flaring up. His stomatits is caused by FIV (kitty aids). When his stomatitis flared up the first time, I feared that I would have to brace myself for the final last year or two of his life when his life would become so miserable that I would have to put him down. Now there's hope! I'll write another review in the months time with a update. THANK YOU !

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