I am happy to find alternative way
I am happy to find alternative way other than vaccine which does harm than good to your animal
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigation or prevention of any disease in humans or animals.
Formula 1.
Purple coneflower (Echinacea Aug 12X, 30C) (Traditionally used to increase the number of anti-bodies)
Juniper (Juniperus communis12X, 30C) (Traditionally used for anti bacterial Immune support formula, anti catarrhal, anti fungal, anti microbial, anti viral, anti inflammatory)
Goldenseal (hydrastis 30C, 1M) (Traditionally used to activate “white blood cells” WBC)
Reference: https://www.health.com/echinacea-benefits-7570763
Reference: http://cms.herbalgram.org/expandedE/Juniperberry.html
Reference: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32683037/
~ By activating white blood cell count WBCs), will provide and help protect you against illness and infection. When your body is exposed to disease-causing pathogens like viruses or bacteria, white blood cells are sent to destroy the invaders and prevent or shorten illness. White blood cells also help your body fight cancer. Since cancer cells are foreign to the body, white blood cells such as lymphocytes can help eliminate cancer cells.
What Causes Low White Blood Cell Counts?
While many conditions can lead to high white blood cell counts, there are only a few major causes of low white blood cell counts, most of them medication side effects. These causes include: chemical medicines - Chemotherapy medications, Immunosuppressive, Antibiotics, Anticonvulsants, Antihistamines, Antithyroid drugs, Arsenicals, Barbiturates, Diuretics, Sulfonamides, Bone marrow failure, Autoimmune disorders.
Provides a safe alternative to toxic injections. Instead, we are promoting a strong immunity for many cats or cattery. Only need one bottle for a cattery or breeder as it will last and support many cats of all ages without compromising their health.
* Can request a larger 50ml or 100ml bottle if desired.
Side effects from vaccines will produce a toxic build-up which may be the reason for unexplained symptoms such as (when before vaccine you had a healthy pet) : Lack of energy, vertigo, headaches, numbness, pins and needles, muscle weakness, neuralgia, behavioural changes, hyperactivity, learning disability, depression, insomnia, irritability, anaemia, hypertension, abdominal pains, loss of weight, asthma, allergies, skin disorders, weakened immune system.
~ If you happened to have a pet that has a chemical sensitivity, then your pet will have acute and sometimes fatal reactions - within 2 days or same day of injection.
Nosodes have been used in medicine since the mid-1800s. Nosodes are relatively unknown in veterinary practice and somewhat controversial in holistic veterinary practice. Many benefits have been noted, including a decrease in the severity and frequency of disease. Although nosodes are still controversial as a replacement for traditional vaccinations, evidence of their safety and efficacy is growing.
What are Nosodes?
Nosodes are specialized remedies that are prepared by taking the actual diseased matter from a sick animal such as diseased tissue or nasal discharge. The preparation of a nosode involves a lengthy process of succussion and the original material using traditional protocols until virtually no molecules of the crude substance remain, rendering the nosode safe for use. This process, called potentization, inactivates the original disease substance and converts the material into a bioenergetic remedy which interacts with the body's energy field. The final product is a potent remedy that is an energetic blueprint of the actual disease.
Human Nosode Research
Dr. Isaac Golden, an Australian homeopath, has done extensive research in the field of childhood immunizations. Working directly with families who agreed to participate in a clinical trial of typical childhood diseases, Dr. Golden concluded that immunizations were 90.4% effective. From 2001 to 2004, Dr. Golden also studied vaccine safety compared to immunizations. He found that children who received standard vaccines were 15 more times likely to get asthma, 7 times more likely to get eczema and 2 times more likely to get allergies than those who were immunized by preparations.
His work is published in his groundbreaking books, Vaccination, and Homeoprophylaxis:
A Review of Risks and Alternatives, and Homeoprophylaxis: A Ten Year Clinical Study.
Immunization in Dogs
Dr. Christopher Day, a British veterinary homeopath, has been using nosodes in his practice for 35 years. Evidence of reduced rates of distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and kennel cough has encouraged him to recommend nosodes to his clients for prevention and treatment of disease. In 1985, Dr. Day documented the successful use of nosodes in a kennel cough outbreak. The trial was done in a daycare and there were 214 dogs participating, including both vaccinated and unvaccinated dogs. The nosode was introduced by placing it in the dogs drinking water. Remarkably, out of a total of 214 dogs that were treated with the kennel cough nosode, the incidence of actual, full-blown disease was only 1.9% out of 214 dogs, and the majority of dogs who did contract kennel cough exhibited only minor symptoms. The vaccinated dogs had a higher incidence of disease at 4.7% whereas only 0.7% of the unvaccinated dogs showed symptoms. Minor symptoms were expressed by 42.5% of the dogs, with 59.7% of vaccinated dogs showing minor symptoms, compared to 26.7% of unvaccinated dogs. This study shows that nosodes can be effective in disease prevention, and when dogs do contract disease, the severity of symptoms can be reduced with their use.
NOTE; Instead of vaccination injections, if you are unsure about continuing vaccinations or not, ask instead for a Titer test (antibodies immunity test).
Every time you get this test done it will show you that your pet is still fully immunized against all disease. The nosodes do not produce a titer response.
Need more advice or have more questions? Contact us for a FREE consultation with one of our fully qualified practitioners.
The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from your health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.
I am happy to find alternative way other than vaccine which does harm than good to your animal