Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Set of 5

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Set of 5

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SKU: 159-SET
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Short Description: FIV. Bottle 1 for PROTECTION (prophylactic) for other feline family members. -Feline AIDS (FIV) natural SOLUTION (use Bottle 1 for PROTECTION for other family members).
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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Set of 5


A carefully selected blend of natural plant and mineral ingredients, traditionally known for use in supporting a strong immune system, by the activation of white blood cells and the number of anti-bodies – immune defense system.  

A immune support, a natural anti-inflammatory, asthma, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, general pulmonary problems, oral ulcerations - due to infection and fever, enlarged - spleen and liver.

e.g  Enlarged Spleen - prevent or solution is to add a pinch of Zinc Picolinate powder (from capsule) in meals twice a day.  

Natural Pet Botanicals Recommendations formulas are both effective and gentle in supporting the whole body, you support your own animal or pet at home, and in almost every single case we improve vitality and longevity. If you are dealing with any metabolic or immune issue with your pet, we suggest that you contact us for a consultation so we can ensure you are using the right products.

* Natural pet botanicals are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our formulas are offered as an alternative health support for your animal's condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in food, treats or liquid.


1. Feline Immuno 159 -1 formula 30ml 
2. Liposomal Vitamin C LIQUID 325 100ml
3. Feline Vita 159-3 100ml
4. Infecto Clear 159-4 50ml
5. Immuno 159-5 100ml


Formula 1.
Purple coneflower (Echinacea Aug 12X, 30C) (Traditionally used to increase the number of anti-bodies)
Juniper (Juniperus communis 12X, 30C) (Traditionally used for anti bacterial Immune support formula, anti catarrhal, anti fungal, anti microbial, anti viral, anti inflammatory)
Goldenseal (hydrastis 30C, 1M) (Traditionally used to activate “white blood cells” WBC)

By activating white blood cell count (WBCs), will provide and help protect you against illness and infection. When your body is exposed to disease-causing pathogens like viruses or bacteria, white blood cells are sent to destroy the invaders and prevent or shorten illness. White blood cells also help your body fight cancer. Since cancer cells are foreign to the body, white blood cells such as lymphocytes can help eliminate cancer cells.                                 
What Causes Low White Blood Cell Counts?                                                               
While many conditions can lead to high white blood cell counts, there are only a few major causes of low white blood cell counts, most of them medication side effects. These causes include:  chemical medicines - Chemotherapy medications, Immunosuppressive, Antibiotics, Anticonvulsants, Antihistamines, Antithyroid drugs, Arsenicals, Barbiturates, Diuretics, Sulfonamides, Bone marrow failure,  Autoimmune disorders. Can also use this formula as a PROTECTION as well if you have other cats living with the Feline AIDS cats or kittens.

Formula 2.
Liposomal Vitamin C LIQUID

Vitamin C has worked against every single virus including influenzas, pneumonia, and even poliomyelitis.

In the medical literature, there are more than 64,000 published articles and studies on Vitamin C available at  The U.S. National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology Information. Vitamin C is arguably one of the most researched substances in existence.

Following is a brief selection of articles and research from the medical literature that are educational and helpful  in considering the use of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C for preventing and treating pneumonia 

Vitamin C may affect lung infections                            
Vitamin C and Infections                                                 
Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia 
Intravenous vitamin C as adjunctive therapy for enterovirus/rhinovirus induced acute respiratory distress syndrome      
Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus   

Formula 3.
Glycerine (Glyerium 30C)
Lucerne grass (Alfalfa 14X) (traditionally used as a nutritional stimulant)
Purple Cone-flower (Echinacea 1M) (traditionally promotes white blood cells)
Wild Indigo (Baptisa Tinct 1M) (traditionally used as a natural blood cellbuilder & infection fighter)
Reference: https://www.health.com/echinacea-benefits-7570763

Formula 4.
Carbon-Sulphur-Kali-Nitricum (GunPowder 30C)
Phosphate of Potassium (Kali Phos 30C)
Golden Seal (Hydrastis 6X)
Eyebright (Euphrasia 30C)
Salt of Wormwood Potassium Carbonate (Kali Carbonicum 30C)
Jambol Seeds (Syzigium 30C)
Pot Marigold (Calendula 30C)
Phosphate of Potassium (Kali Phos 30C)
Reference: http://www.naturalmedicinalherbs.net/include/searchherb.php?herbsearch=Pot+Marigold+&x=0&y=0
Reference: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32683037/

Formula 5.
Echinacea Augustifolia  (Echinacea may strengthen your immune system, helping you fight colds and flus caused by viruses or bacteria. Some research shows that the echinacea plant contains chemicals that help your body create white blood cells. Has the ability to boost the strength of t-lymphocytes. T-cells are vital to the immune system as they help the body to increase the number of anti-bodies that you have circulating) When your upper respiratory tract (nose, mouth, and throat) becomes infected, these white blood cells work within your immune system to fight infection. Has the ability to boost the strength of t-lymphocytes. T-cells are vital to the immune system as they help the body to increase the number of anti-bodies that you have circulating)
Red Root (Ceanothus americanus) (traditionally used as a lumph stimulant and tonic, however, primary use for enlarged spleen and liver.  For Feline AIDS)  

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) (traditionally used as a potent detoxifier and anti-inflammatory to the mucous membranes)  
Elderberries (Sambucus nigra) (traditionally used for animal influenza, herpes simplex, feline immunodefiency virus (FIV), haemophilus influenza, straph and Streph infection, also traditionally been used to relieve fever, symptoms of respiratory catarrh and mucous congestion. Immune system boost, coughs, colds, flu, bacterial infections, viral infections, tonsilitis antioxidant, improve vision, boost the immune system, and tonsillitis)
Reference: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21352539/
Reference: https://www.healthifyme.com/blog/red-root-health-benefits/
Reference: http://cms.herbalgram.org/expandedE/Turmericroot.html
Reference:  https://www.health.com/echinacea-benefits-7570763   &   Reference:   https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-echinacea


Need more advice or have more questions? Contact us for a FREE consultation with one of our fully qualified practitioners. 



The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from your health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.

  • I would recommend it to anyone and I do.

    Posted by Crystal Murray on 24th Feb 2015 (Verified Customer)

    My 14 year old cat had surgery for cancer then took a long time to pick up getting 2 infections over the next couple of months. Then when he was getting better I got him vaccinated, all without knowing he was fiv positive. After the vaccination he went down hill quickly and stopped eating and drinking altogether. The vet said the only treatment was repeated antibiotics and steroids, which wasn't working. I went online and tried this treatment feeling desperate. I can say without a doubt chubby would be dead if not for this treatment, from the start he picked up a little everyday and has continued to do so. It is now over 4 months after starting treatment and he is back to his regular behaviour and his appetite is back. He has put on a little weight but more thankful for me is that chubby is now waking me up to be fed as he is hungry. His fur is better as he had bald spots where it had thinned out. When I have taken chubby back to the vets they have been surprised at his improved health as they said cats normally die when they are at the stage chubby was. The way these remedies work is hard to believe unless you see it for yourself, I would recommend it to anyone and I do.

  • His immune system is stronger

    Posted by Amanda Mugridge on 12th Jan 2015 (Verified Customer)

    My cat was diagnosed with feline aids, very distressing but NPB have these fantastic drops, that are safe, quick acting and easy to administer, just a few between his shoulders. His immune system is stronger and I also give him Vit c ascorbic acid this gives me peace of mind thanks to the guidance, from giving my cats commercial food in the past. I know i cannot remove feline aids from my cat but at least its under control and really you wouldn't even know he has it and he's 13.

  • you have been taking really good care of him

    Posted by Martha George on 5th Dec 2013 (Verified Customer)

    FIV kitty- has been using this treatment set for 5 or 6 years now... Recent full blood tests show excellent results for a 11 years old cat has good kidney, liver, thyroid function and good white/red blood cells count. Vet said, 'you have been taking really good care of him' Thanks Kitty responds well to all of your treatments.

  • Our cat is doing better

    Posted by nicholet vacos on 12th Sep 2013 (Verified Customer)

    Our cat is doing better with the FIV treatment set. The company is a good company with very kind and helpful owners that really do care for their customers and patients. Thank you.

  • That says a lot.

    Posted by Rosanna Leman on 3rd Feb 2013 (Verified Customer)

    I have used this product for 3 years on My FIV cat and love it .He gets the nutrition component daily along with a totally raw high protein only diet and I use the blood tonic and immune support less frequently and dose if and when he needs it IE an infection of ulcers in his mouth.
    The first time I had to use the blood tonic and immune booster was 3 years ago and then never again until 5 weeks ago when I mistakenly put a flea collar on him and he paid the price. I took it off and retreated him with the FIV nosode set and the mouth ulcer set and he has bounced back. My Pio has a great quality of life and his vet comments that he doesnt look like an FIV cat especially as he a12 year old and he is now giving the FIV nosode therapy to the other FIV patients. That says a lot.
    Thanks .. Fabulous remedy set Cheers Rosanna

  • healthier than ever and still is.

    Posted by Idalia on 16th Apr 2012 (Verified Customer)

    My Louis who is Cat of 5 years old started on the FIV protocol during the summer 2010. Our cat after 4 months was healthier than ever and still is. We are truly grateful. The vet at that time told us there was no cure and we had to put him to sleep.
    Idalia from Cyprus

  • Boboy not only survived and thrived!

    Posted by Mazwin on 22nd Mar 2012 (Verified Customer)

    Boboy, our 10-year old domestic short hair male cat was diagnosed as FIV+ as well as having Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Despite being placed in the intensive care unit at the local vet, Boboy’s condition was extremely critical and was not expected to survive. With such a prognosis, we decided to give a natural treatment a try. With regular use of homeopathy remedies, Boboy not only survived and thrived! Now, Boboy is an extremely healthy and happy cat!
    Mazwin from Malaysia

  • with immediate results

    Posted by Lorrena Genet on 21st Dec 2008 (Verified Customer)

    I just thought I would let Diana know what a wonderful result the FIV treatment pack has had on my adored moggie, Gordy. It has been over 3 years since Gordy was diagnosed with FIV. I will never forget that day. It was a public holiday and I noticed he was panting and it wasn't a very hot day, so this was not normal, so I called the local vet, 40 mins drive away and drove up there. He was checked and had a blood test and I was told that, as a stray, he had prob been in a fight before he adopted us and this is how he had contracted the FIV and that I could do nothing but have him euthanased. This was very distressing and upsetting but I said no, and took him home with a course of anti-biotics. Straight away I researched the internet for help and that is when I found Diana. I immediatly purchased the FIV treatment pack and ceased the vets chemicals, as advised. I received the pack and started straight away, with fantastic and amazing results. I completed the course, with immediate results and today he is a healthy and alive, a little overweight but still my and the families beautiful tabby Gordy. Thank you once again. Lorrena Genet SA

  • Chin Chan, is doing very well

    Posted by Ms Kowata. on 17th Feb 2008 (Verified Customer)

    Chin Chan, is doing very well since starting the FIV homeopathic formula's. Thank you very much,


    Posted by Sharie on 19th Jan 2008 (Verified Customer)

    HE'S EATING! We had a consultation for Feline Aids condition. At 3:30 this morning I woke with a start and looked down the hall to where Dex had been laying for days. Imagine my surprise when I looked down on my purring white furr-baby who was preparing to leap onto my bed! He jumped in bed with me and let me pet and rub him all over, nudging me for *more loving* anytime I'd slack off :) We got up after about 15 minutes of purr-fect joy and I put some food down for him which he ate instead of just licking! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU from the deepest most grateful part of my heart & soul I will never treat Dex or my other pets with anything other than natural, holistic remedies from here on in. This is the second time you have saved my baby's life ... I am so very grateful. Brightest Blessings to you and yours!

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