Feline Corona Virus (Prophylactic) (COR-VIRO IMMUNO 228 FORMULA)

Feline Corona Virus (Prophylactic) (COR-VIRO IMMUNO 228 FORMULA)

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Short Description: FCoV Protection from FIP (which mutates from the corona virus)
$33.00 - $66.00
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Feline Corona Virus (Prophylactic) (COR-VIRO IMMUNO 228 FORMULA)

$33.00 - $66.00

Feline Corona Virus (Prophylactic) (COR-VIRO IMMUNO 228 FORMULA)

$33.00 - $66.00

A carefully selected blend of natural plant and mineral ingredients, traditionally known for use in supporting a strong immune system that increases of white blood cells and the number of anti-bodies.

Natural Pet Botanicals Recommendations formulas are both effective and gentle in supporting the whole body, you support your own animal or pet at home, and in almost every single case we improve vitality and longevity. If you are dealing with any metabolic or immune issue with your pet, we suggest that you contact us for a consultation so we can ensure you are using the right products.

* Natural pet botanicals are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our formulas are offered as an alternative health support for your animal's condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in food, treats or liquid.



CoroViro Immuno 228 formula


Formula 1.
Purple coneflower (Echinacea Aug)  (Traditionally used to increase the number of anti-bodies)
Juniper (Juniperus communis) (Traditionally used for anti bacterial Immunesupport formula, anti catarrhal, anti fungal, anti microbial, anti viral. anti inflammatory)
Goldenseal (hydrastis) (Traditionally used to activate white blood cells)
in 20% USP alc. in purified water

Reference: https://www.health.com/echinacea-benefits-7570763
Reference: http://cms.herbalgram.org/expandedE/Juniperberry.html
Reference: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32683037/

By activating white blood cell count  WBCs), will provide and help protect you against illness and infection.
When your body is exposed to disease-causing pathogens like viruses or bacteria, white blood cells are sent to destroy the invaders and prevent or shorten illness. White blood cells also help your body fight cancer. Since cancer cells are foreign to the body, white blood cells such as lymphocytes can help eliminate cancer cells.

What Causes Low White Blood Cell Counts?
While many conditions can lead to high white blood cell counts, there are only a few major causes of low white blood cell counts, most of them medication side effects. These causes include:  chemical medicines - Chemotherapy medications, Immunosuppressive, Antibiotics, Anticonvulsants, Antihistamines, Antithyroid drugs, Arsenicals, Barbiturates, Diuretics, Sulfonamides, Bone marrow failure,  Autoimmune disorders.


Want to just protect you cat or kittens, or you care for felines in a cattery or you have a FIP cat in the household, also protect you other felines with natural, plant & mineral based formula CoroViro Immuno formula as well as a pinch of vitamin c  (wholefood vitamin C) and minerals (ReMyte - Minerals solution) in meals. With the natural, plant & mineral based formula Stress & Immune Balance 229-3  *request either 50ml or 100ml or 200ml bottle

Often see this is a deficiency in felines that are sick with FIP (run down) and deficient in minerals.  It is often due to poor diet/and prolonged stress,  enclosures that cause stress to a cat or kittens.

For Catteries or Feral Cat Colonies 
add 5 -10 drops of the the natural plant and mineral based CoroViro Immuno formula  (recommended also the natural, plant & mineral based formula Stress & Immune Balance formula) to one or two litre of filtered water, gently bang on a book to mix, then ready to use.  Add a cap ful to meals and milk and water drinks. Repeat once to three times a week.  Or can repeat daily if you have had a kitten with FIP.

Avoid - harsh toxic products (use SAFE natural alternatives for worms, flea, jabs) and avoid junk food feeding (all dry foods.)


We also suggest on going Vitamin C in daily meals. 
e.g Liposomal Vit C liquid or Wholefood Vitamin C powder, along with the natural plant and mineral based Stress & Immune Balance formula  (request either 50ml or 100ml or 200ml bottle)

"I have not seen any flu yet that was not cured or markedly ameliorated by massive doses of vitamin C."   .. Robert F. Cathcart, MD

A extract from  Andrew W. Saul,  Editor Originally published on www.orthomolecular.org
(OMNS January 26, 2020) The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades. There has been a lack of media coverage of this effective and successful approach against viruses in general, and coronavirus in particular.
Reference: https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/vitamin-c-protects-against-coronavirus

Studies have shown that FIP / Coronavirus INJECTIONS are ineffective.


You will need to do to treat this virus so it goes away and does not mutate into the full-blown virus called (FIP) if your cat or kitten was tested positive to Corona Virus  ~ See natural, plant & mineral based formula 229 Corona Set.

affects many different organ systems, creating a whole range of symptoms, or none at all. 
Early signs of FCoV exposure in some cats can be - mild upper respiratory disease, including runny eyes, sneezing, watery nasal discharge or vomiting and diarrhea.  More recently, feline coronavirus (FCoV) has also come under consideration as part of FRDC and upper respiratory tract infection (Cornell Uni Vet college)


Titre Test

No pet should ever be re-jab, not ever, without a “Titre test” to see if it's actually needed.

Dr Edward DVM

. says "Seroconversion and titre testing is well and truly validated scientifically (and is definite proof of positive disease protection status after vaccination, no matter what age the puppy, kitten or dog, cat in question - and the chances of a false positive are very, very low)".  Some vets who send them away charge a hell of a lot for it though, way too much.   

* Ask your vet to order the Biogal brand VacciCheck in-house titre test kit.

Biogal brand - VacciCheck® Antibody Test Kit

which is a simple and affordable in-clinic titer test designed to monitor serological status and vaccination failure to prevent over-vaccination consequences.  VacciCheck provides reliable and accurate results in just 21 minutes!

AVAILABLE by request from a Vet Clinic.  Or let your Vet know about it.

Biogal brand - VacciCheck® Antibody Test Kit

USA -  www.VacciCheck.com
Australia - Give these details to your Vet - Laboratories Diagnostics NSW.
Contact: Sonia Whittle Tel: 61-2-9668-0600 Website: www.labdiagnostics.com.au

Find a Vet who is willing to help you provide the safest inexpensive way of keeping your pet well.

If your pet has seroconverted, no matter what their age, they do not need another vaccination.  Nor do they need a 'booster' at a year old, as they already have long-lasting immunity.  Dr. Edwards has titre test puppies 2 weeks after initial vaccination if it's positive then they need no more vaccinations  (So - any dog or cat, of any age, can be titre tested 2 weeks after any C3 vaccination.  If your puppy is going to respond, it will have by then.  He has titre tested several puppies after their first vaccination like this, and they've had strongly positive titre levels. Any further vaccinations for these puppies (or kittens) would have been completely unnecessary and may have caused the puppy in question harm.

The whole 'booster' thing is really a false way to describe it - nearly all the so-called 'booster' vaccinations administered to our pets are completely unnecessary.

There is no need for a so-called 'booster' vaccination a year after the puppy or your kitten's vaccinations.


It makes no difference what country you live in, either.



Need more advice or have more questions? Contact us for a FREE consultation with one of our fully qualified practitioners. 


The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from your health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.

  • I am absolutely over the moon

    Posted by Jenny on 6th Mar 2008 (Verified Customer)

    The coronavirus titres of my Burmese cats has reduced to _1:100. I am thrilled about this as one cat was _1:800 (positive corona virus) I treated her with both CoroSupport and Immune Boost for two months, then continued with Immune Boost alone for several months after that, she is now _1:100 (regarded as 'negative'). I treated my other cats in the same way, their titres were 1:400, and are now 1:100. It took between 6-8 months of treatment to achieve this result thanks to your wonderful medicines!!! I am absolutely over the moon as I was considering desexing the girl with the highest titre, but was reluctant as she is my most valuable breeding queen. By the way, none of my cats ever had FIP but were exposed to a cat I boarded that died from FIP and this is how they inherited the high titre. Kindest regards

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