A carefully selected blend of natural, plant and mineral ingredients, traditionally known for supporting the immune system and constipation.
Natural Pet Botanicals Recommendations formulas are both effective and gentle in supporting the whole body, you support your own animal or pet at home, and in almost every single case we improve vitality and longevity. If you are dealing with any metabolic or immune issue with your pet, we suggest that you contact us for a consultation so we can ensure you are using the right products.
* Natural pet botanicals are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our formulas are offered as an alternative health support for your animal's condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in food, treats or liquid.
1. MegaColon 200-1 50ml
2. Magnesium & Potassium 17-2 Powder 200g
3. Psyllium husk 50g
Fromula 1.(Plumbum Met 1M) (traditionally used for impacted feces)Common Salt (Nat Mur 12C)Ohio Buckeye (Aesc Glab 12X)Gum resin (Asafoetida 200C) (traditionally used for reversed "peristalsis" wave-like muscle contractions of stomach and bowels)Silicate of Lime (Calc Fluor 12X, 6x)Magnesium chloratum (Magnesium Chlorate 30C, 200C)Nut (Nux Vom 30X) (traditionally used to help with straining and potential rectal prolapse)Double Spruce (Abies Nigra 30C, 1M)Beryllium Met 1MBlessed Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum 6C,1M) (traditionally used for constipation)Cuttlefish Ink(Sepia 5X, 30X, 200X) (traditionally used for prolapsed bladder, uterus or vagina, cystitis, obstinate constipation, rectum disorder, urine incontinence, infantile diarrhea)
Reference: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12722542/
2. Magnesium & PotassiumMaintaining regular movement, and restore mineral deficiencies.Safely and gently and effectively without side affects of any type chemical drug.
Magnesium is a mineral and actually responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions and is found in all of your tissues — but mainly in your bones, muscles, and brain e.g membranes, and to help muscles relax, tremors, shaking, constipation, seizures and many other functions are all from magnesium deficiencies.
Potassium mineral most often has an effect on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, muscles, heart and nerves as it is required for the proper function of these bodily systems.
Magnesium and Potassium powder This should be given ongoing.
DOSAGE Felines, toy dogs, rabbits: a good sprinkle over meals e.g approx. ¼ teaspoon of powder.
Small dog or animal: 1/2 teaspoon of magnesium & potassium powder.
Med to large Canines: add 1/2 teaspoon of magnesium & potassium powder
3. Pysllium Husk Grains
Use one the Pysllium Husks have been soaked overnight.Add a tablespoon of runny liquid husks in meals once or twice a day.Sometimes, if not sure of the diagnosis
.. we can try other remedies to see if the response is seen, if not an issue then no harm down, as you will either see relief within a couple of hour or not change if not the right remedy or not needed.Example: possible Pancreas attack see the natural, plant-baseed formula Acute Pancreas 72-1 or possible Bladder blockage (use Bladda Clear 15 formula) or Cystitis infection (use Cystito clear 14 formula) and infection herbal Bladder Infection 319 formula .. if needed extra help e.g ... giving Enemas with “Natural liquid” detox – at home
Need more advice or have more questions? Contact us for a FREE consultation with one of our fully qualified practitioners.
The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from your health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.