Anal Sac Gland Blockages Set of 2

Anal Sac Gland Blockages Set of 2

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SKU: 009-SET
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Short Description: Smelly or itchy Anal Glands. Abscess, blocked, Rectal Polyps. Benign Perianal Adenoma growth. Regular bowel movements for your pet.Anal Glands blocked, Abscess, Infection. Often seen in canines, than in felines.
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Anal Sac Gland Blockages Set of 2


A carefully selected blend of natural plant and mineral ingredients, traditionally known in supporting supporting the health of the anal gland issues.

Natural Pet Botanicals Recommendations formulas are both effective and gentle in supporting the whole body, you treat your own animal or pet at home, and in almost every single case we improve vitality and longevity. If you are dealing with any metabolic or immune issue with your pet, we suggest that you contact us for a consultation so we can ensure you are using the right products.

* Natural pet botanicals are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication.  Our formulas are offered as a safe  alternative health support for your animal's condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in food, treats or liquid.


1. AnaGland Clear 9-1 formula 50ml
2. Psyllium husk 50mg Packet.



Formula 1.  
Horse Chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum 200X)
Purple Cone-flower (Echinacea 12X, 200C)
Potassium Hydrate (Causticum 200X)
Gypsum (Cal Sul 6C, 30C)
Sulphide of Calcium (Hepar Sulp 4X) (traditionally used to aid and hastens suppuration)
Carbon-Sulphur-Kali-Nitricum (Gunpowder 1M)  (traditionally used to holds infection prevents from spreading)
Golden Seal (Hydrastis 1M)
Arbor Vitae (Thuja 12X, 200C) (traditionally used for epulis - stones)
Bone-set (Symphytum 12X, 200C)  (traditionally used to epulis - stones)
The finer ash Mount Hecla (Hekla Lava 12X, 200C) (traditionally used for epulis - stones)
Calcium Carbonate (Calc Carb 100X) (traditionally used for polyps, epulis)
Aqua fortis (Nitric Acidum 200C)

Sodium Hydric (Natrum Arsenicicum 200C) (traditionally used for blepharitis - block glands or inflamed eyelids, red, itchy)
Ucuuba (Myristica Sebifera 6X) (traditionally used as a anti-septic powers, cellular tissue, aids suppuration, ulcerations, Inflammation of skin, cellular tissue and periosteum. Traumatic infections, parotitis, fistulas, carbuncles.)
Silica (Silicea 6X) (traditionally used for to draw out pus and infection)
Mineral oil (Kreostum 12X, 200X)  (traditionally used for abscess, syphilis ulcers)
Wild Rosemary (Ledum 30C, 6X)  (traditionally used as a tetanus prevention or relief)
Oil of Mustard-seed (Thiosinaminum 3X, 12X)  (traditionally used for enlarged lymph glands)
Poke-root (Phytolacca decandra 3X, 12X) (traditionally used for to hastens suppuration),
in 20% USP alc. in purified water.

Hepar Sulph traditionally used as a suppuration, clears abscess, boils, carbuncles, glandular swellings, constipation or loose stools, hemorrhoids.
Aesculus Hipp  traditionally used as prevention of - anal problems, hemorrhoids, constipation, raw anus, sore.
Causticum   traditionally used from cramps in the rectum, anus prolapse, fistula and pulsation and pain in the perineum, partial paralysis of the rectum, constipation with frequent ineffectual urging.
Echinacea traditionally used from abscess, boils, blood poisoning, carbuncles, gangrene, ulcers.

2.  Psyllium husk 50mg packet     
When the  husk seeds absorb water, they take on a gel-like consistency. This may help with optimal stool formation, in other words, keeping stools moister and easy to pass. In addition, much of the fiber in the husk is soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is thought to be the more tolerable form of fiber for people who have IBS.  This helps prevent constipation and helps the pet be more regular so the reoccurring infection does not continue which often causes anal impactions.

Soaking the Husks for a couple hours (or overnight) then ready to use:
Cat, toy dog:  Soak approx. 2 teaspoon in at least 2 cups (approx. 480) of (filtered) water, mix and let stand for approx 1-2 hours minutes or longer (overnight).

Need more advice or have more questions? Contact us for a FREE consultation with one of our fully qualified practitioners. 



The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from your health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.

  • No smelly butt anymore

    Posted by Jen Ambler on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    No smelly butt anymore
    I am really impressed with your products. Poppy has been on the gland support for a week and then i have given her a dose every so often and so far so good. No smelly butt.

  • the bad smell had gone

    Posted by Sara Braithwaite on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    A few days of applying the drops the bad smell had gone
    This product is fantastic. My 2 year old dog has had to have his **** glands drained a few times by the vet which is not a very nice procedure. This time round I thought I would try something natural to assist him and after a few days of applying the drops the bad smell had gone and he stopped trying to itch and scoot around on the carpet!! For the first time we didn't have to make the trip to the vet. I am very glad we now have this product on hand for future problems. Thankyou so much for all the great products you provide on this site its fantastic!

  • He seemed a lot more comfortable quite quickly.

    Posted by Elizabeth Smit on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    He seemed a lot more comfortable quite quickly.
    I saw Teddy scooting his bum along the ground and he seemed bothered by/licking under his tail. Skin was pink from up under his tail with slight swelling around the butt). I gave him ParaExpel (in case of worms), Herbal Infection Fighter and pain-eze while I waited for the Gland remedy to arrive. Then just the infection fighter and gland remedy. He seemed a lot more comfortable quite quickly and within a few days his back end had returned to looking normal.

  • I have noticed major improvement.

    Posted by Mandarin MacLeod on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    I have noticed major improvement.
    I've only been using Glands for a few days now, and due to health issues haven't been getting everything bang on. However, I have still noticed major improvement. Less time spent on butt licking, and the red staining from excessive butt licking was starting to get better within a couple days of usage. I'm pleased with this product :) I'm always happy with NPB products ;)

  • Excellent product! works!

    Posted by Dorothea Muehlemann on 11th Aug 2021 (Verified Customer)

    Excellent product! works!
    Applied to my dog's neck, added soaked chia seeds plus psyllium husks in water to his diet.
    His anal glands now are moist, he poops double the size poops and is perfectly healthy.
    Now I only add soaked chia seeds plus psyllium husks in water to his diet.
    He is healed

  • No more scooting on her bum.

    Posted by Lorraine Bessant on 21st Jun 2017 (Verified Customer)

    My little 13 yo maltese/shitzu has always got blocked anal glands. Gets them emptied regularly which she hates. So decided to try this product - works a treat hasn't had to have them emptied since I staretd using this product over 6 months ago.

    No more scooting on her bum.

  • Great product, thanks.

    Posted by Sarah Franklin on 16th Mar 2017 (Verified Customer)

    I used this on my dog who has chronic impacted anal glands . I had to use it for longer then recommended because his impaction is severe .
    He had a sebaceous cyst on his back that erupted and cleared due to using this formula.
    I will use again if he has problem.

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