Smelly Fungating lesion (secondary fungal infection tumour growths) Set of 6
Smelly Fungating lesion (secondary fungal infection tumour growths) Set of 6
A carefully selected blend of natural, plant and mineral ingredients, traditionally known for supporting the immune system and skin.
Natural Pet Botanicals Recommendations formulas are both effective and gentle in supporting the whole body, you support your own animal or pet at home, and in almost every single case we improve vitality and longevity. If you are dealing with any metabolic or immune issue with your pet, we suggest that you contact us for a consultation so we can ensure you are using the right products.
* Natural pet botanicals are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our formulas are offered as an alternative health support for your animal's condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in food, treats or liquid.
Secondary condition of a fungating ulcerating tumour may develop from a Squamous cell carcinoma, Soft tissue sarcomas or Melanoma the primary skin cancer.
Fungating Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Complex Treatment Dilemma
1. CF-1 (311) LM10 50ml
2. CF-2 10 50ml
3. Ulcer-Infecto 311-3 50ml
4. Systemic Fungo 211-2 100ml
5. C Oil 13-5-2 15ml
6. Fungo-Spray 311-6 Spray 50ml bottle.
Formula 1.
Astaxanthin (Microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis 0.1) (Scientific studies reviewed the role of ROS in the various stages of cancer development and provided evidence that astaxanthin, derived from nature, are highly effective in eliminating cancer cells. Astaxanthin is used as a dietary supplement for human, animal, and aquaculture consumption)
Club Moss (Lycopodium clavatum 200C)
Poke Root (Phytolacca 200C)
Condor plant (Cundurango 200C) (traditionally used for lymph drainer, stomach, ulcer, breast, tongue tumors, stricture of the esophagus)
Ash mineral (Hekla Lava 12X, 200C)
Ruta whole plant (Ruta Graveolens 6C)
Calcarea Phosphorica (Calcarea Phosphorica 4X)
in 20% USP alc. in purified water.
Antitumor activity of astaxanthin and its mode of action – PubMed (
A comparison of the anticancer activities of dietary beta-carotene, canthaxanthin and astaxanthin in mice in vivo – PubMed (
Is it a cure for cancer and more? – The Times Gazette
Formula 2.
Astaxanthin (Microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis 30X, 0.1) (Scientific studies reviewed the role of ROS in the various stages of cancer development and provided evidence that astaxanthin, derived from nature, are highly effective in eliminating cancer cells. Astaxanthin is used as a dietary supplement for human, animal, and aquaculture consumption)
Antitumor activity of astaxanthin and its mode of action – PubMed (
Contribution of the antioxidative property of astaxanthin to its protective effect on the promotion of cancer metastasis in mice treated with restraint stress – ScienceDirect
Multiple Mechanisms of Anti-Cancer Effects Exerted by Astaxanthin – PMC (
Astaxanthin Prevents Human Papillomavirus L1 Protein Binding in Human Sperm Membranes – PMC (
Antitumour Effects of Astaxanthin and Adonixanthin on Glioblastoma – PubMed (
Formula 3.
Sulphide of Calcium (Hepar Sulp 20X) (traditionally used to aid and hastens suppuration)
Golden Seal (Hydrastis 1M) (traditionally used for infections as it acts especially on mucous membranes, for Asthma. Cancer. Catarrh. Chancroids. Constipation. Corns. Dyspepsia. Eczema impetiginoides. Ears, affections of. Faintness. Fistula. Gastric catarrh. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhoids. Jaundice. Leucorrhoea. Lip, cancer of. Liver, affections of. Lumbago. Lupus. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Mouth, sore)
Arbor Vitae (Thuja 12X, 200C) (traditionally used for epulis - stones)
Bone-set (Symphytum 12X, 200C) (traditionally used for epulis - stones)
Ash from Mount Hecla (Hekla Lava 12X,200C) (traditionally used for epulis - stones)
Calcium Carbonate (Calc Carb 30X) (traditionally used for polyps, epulis)
Aqua fortis (Nitric Acidum 200C)
Carbon Kali-Nitricum (Gunpowder 1M) (traditionally used to hold infection prevents from spreading)
Ucuuba (Myristica Sebifera 40X) (traditionally used for as a great anti-septic powers, cellular tissue, aids suppuration, ulcerations, Inflammation of skin, cellular tissue and periosteum. Traumatic infections, parotitis, fistulas, carbuncles.)
Silica (Silicea 6X) (traditionally used for to help draw out pus and infection)
Mineral oil (Kreostum 4X,12X, 200X) (traditionally used for abscess, syphilis ulcers)
Wild Rosemary (Ledum 30C, 6X) (traditionally used for tetanus prevention or relief)
Oil of Mustard-seed (Thiosinaminum 12X) (traditionally used for enlarged lymph glands)
Poke-root (Phytolacca decandra 12X) (traditionally used to help hastens suppuration),
Pot Marigold (Calendula 12X) (traditionally used in cases of abscess, burns, ulcers, wounds)
Aqua fortis (Nitric Acid 12X, 200C,1M) (traditionally used in cases of putrid breath, salivation, bleeding of gums, ulcers in soft palate, gums swollen, ranula, tongue ulcerations)
Natrum-Sulphuricum (Nat Sulph 6X) (traditionally used for the nerves)
Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria 30C)
Uranium Nitricum 12X (traditionally used in cases of stomatitis)
Spirits of Hartshorn (Ammon.Causticum 12X,1M)
Arseniuretted Hydrogen (Ars Hydrogen 6C,) (traditionally used in cases of hemorraghe from mucous membrane)
Sulphuric Acide H2S04 (Acid Sulph 6X, 1M,) (traditionally used in cases of ulcerative stomatitis, LPS)
Arbor Vitae (Thuja 200C) (traditionally used in cases of vaccinosis, stomatitis)
Bone-set Heal Herb (Sympthum 1M) (traditionally used in cases of wounds, skin ulcers)
Magnesia phosphate (Mag Phos 30C,200C) (traditionally used in cases of spasm of pain in face)
Gypsum (Calc Sulph 3X, 200X) (ulcers)
Skin Ulca 11-1 formula
Chamaeleon minerale (Merc Sol 12C,1M)
Potassium Chlorate (Kalium Chloricum 1M) (traditionally used in cases of nephritis, toxemia, stomatitis, neuralgic pain)
Mineral oil (Kreosotum 1M) (traditionally used in cases of inflammation, infection of gums or teeth)
Sodium biborate (Borax1M) (traditionally used in cases of salivation, colic, gastro, nausea, aphthous ulcers in mouth and on tongue, mouth hot and tender, herpes, toothache, ulcers in gum, bleeding gums)
Wild Indigo (Baptisia 1M) (traditionally used in cases of stomatitis, ulcers on tongue, oesophagus stricture, septic fever, offensive breath, ragged ulcers on throat),
Monkshood (Aconite Nap 200C,1M) (traditionally used in cases of sudden pain)
Ranunculaceae tincture of root (Aconitum Camm 200C, 1M) (traditionally used in cases of headache, neuralgia)
Ranunculaceae tincture of root (Aconitum Ferox 1M) (traditionally used in cases burning pains)
St. John's Wort (Hypericum 1M) (traditionally used in cases acute nerve pain)
Champignon fou Fungi (Agaricus 200C)
Blood-herb root (Sanguinaria 200C)
Ferric Phosphate (Ferrum Phosphoricum 200X)
Green Iodide (Merc. Protoiodatus 1M) (traditionally used in cases of sore throat, swollen glands),
Iodide of Lime (Calcarea Iodata 1M) (traditionally used in cases tonsils, glands)
Aqua fortis. (Acidum Nitricum 1M) (traditionally used in cases sore gums and throat, ulcers, herpes virus, ulcers on the tongue)
Black Cohash (Cimicifuga 12X, 1M) (traditionally used in cases of " radiating or electric-shock pains" and "spasms )
Demerara Pink-root (Spigelia 12X 1M) (traditionally used in cases relieves stabbing nerve pain that feels like burning needles. It is most effective on pains of the fifth nerve which explains the frontal headache, eye, jaw and frontal sinus pain, especially when stooping).
Formula 4.
Usnea Barb
Sweet Annie
Formula 5.
C Oil 13-5(2)10ml (cumin oil)
Formula 6.
Frankincense, Geranium, Thyme oil, Oregano Oil, Garlic, Clove oil in coconut oil 50ml Spray
Benefits of Oregano - These components have been recognized for their antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.
IF GROWTH IN MOUTH - THROAT ( or/ and is smelly or lots of gunk)
What would really help is the natural, plant-based Drawing Out 16 formula.
Also you could dilute some bicarb soda powder (not baking powder) like half a teaspoon in 1/4 cup of warm water stir well, repeat three times a day just enough liquid to get inside the mouth and treat a mouth
Need more advice or have more questions? Contact us for a FREE consultation with one of our fully qualified practitioners.
The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from your health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.